Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, May 7, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Tavernola, BG, Italy

Peace my beloved children!
Your Heavenly Mother is here before you because she loves you so much.
I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you. My children, enter into my Immaculate Heart. My Mother's Heart is the refuge for each of you, the safe haven that God has prepared for you in these difficult times the world is living through. Pray a lot, I still ask you, because many do not pray as I have asked you and have been asking you in my apparitions throughout the world.
Open your hearts, my children, because God is calling you to conversion, through me, his heavenly Mother.
I welcome your intentions and I tell you: believe, believe, my children. In order for you to do God's will, you must truly surrender your heart to Him, but surrender it without fear. Do not be afraid to follow God's call. I am here with you. Do be afraid to live in sin and to stay in this life far from God, because then you become easy prey for Satan.
Never live in sin, but in the grace of God. I love you and I tell you that I am here to help you. Pray with love and you will see God's miracles happen in your lives.
Thank you for your presence here tonight. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Before leaving the Virgin still said:
I send them a kiss of love and cover them with my Mother's mantle. I love the children and bless them. I also love each one of you, my children, and I bless you with my motherly blessing: a blessing of peace and love.
The Virgin Mother still asks and pleads with us to live her calls. Her messages are great graces in these our times. How many are those living in sin. Our Lady, because of these her children who are far from God's grace and true faith, comes again from heaven with her sorrowful and wounded Heart pleading with us for prayers and generous sacrifices on behalf of the world. We cannot remain insensitive to her Mother's sorrows, because her Immaculate Heart suffers because of the loss of many souls. Saving these souls requires from us the commitment and spiritual effort of wanting to do God's will, renouncing sin and Satan, through prayer, the sacraments, fasting and penance offered to God, in reparation for the outrages he receives from poor sinners who are deluded and blinded by the devil, so that they can see the holy path that leads to the kingdom of heaven. Let us strive to save souls for Jesus and the Blessed Virgin, because the devil is making them not holy souls, but rotten lamas who deserve the fire of hell.