Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, April 23, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, many people were present for the prayer of the rosary. During the apparition the Mother of God very beautiful and radiant, was happy with the presence of everyone and gave us the following message:
Peace my beloved children!
I am your Mother and I am here by God's will, to bless you and to give you the peace of Jesus.
I love you and desire that you pray the rosary every day as a family. Be Jesus'. Open your hearts to Jesus. God loves you and sends you a shower of graces from heaven.
I love you and tell you that the world is sick. Help the Lord convert many hearts with your prayers and sacrifices.
Thank you for your presence here tonight. Open your hearts. Open your hearts. Open your hearts. Do not doubt! Have faith! I am here before you. Be men and women of faith and prayer.
Fathers and mothers, pray with your children. Fathers and mothers, help your children to belong to God. Fathers and mothers, witness God's love to your children. God desires to save your families. Pray together now, for this is the time that God gives the world great graces.
Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The responsibility of every father and mother is great before God. Many parents do not care for the holiness of their children today because they think only of themselves. Others think that it is enough to give only the necessary: education, food, clothes or material goods, to say that they are good parents and take good care of their children. But this is the least of it. What is the use of giving everything if the souls of their children are in darkness and rotten in sin. Parents are the first educators in the faith of their children. The Blessed Mother comes to call the parents' attention, because as she herself told us in a message, transmitted in the past, God will charge every child given to every father and mother. When these parents are to appear before the Throne of God they must be truly filled with good works on behalf of the family that God has entrusted to them. This is a great responsibility of every baptized Christian. To know how to care for and watch over your family with love, the family that is also part of the mystical body of Christ. Many families are sick, because of the sins that beset and destroy them. The devil has succeeded in reaching them by destroying the important foundations which are the parents: parents unfaithful to their Christian vocation, adulterous and impure parents who do not give the good example of life to their own children, and so, all together, fathers, mothers and children walk the road which leads further to hell, because many do not stop to think about God and change their lives. This is why the Mother of God came from heaven to earth, at the command of her Divine Son. She wants to help families to be God's, because she is the Queen of the Family, she is the Queen of our families!
Whoever neglects his , and especially those of his own family, is a renegade, worse than an infidel . (Tim 5, 8)