Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Around 10:00 am, I was praying the rosary when the Lord revealed to me the desires of His Heart. I felt the great love of Jesus and Our Lady for families and their loving presence enveloped me and filled me with peace. Jesus and the Virgin revealed many things to me and asked me to put them into practice, because it would serve for the salvation of families. God desires the salvation of families, because families are the precious pearls of His Heart. They are the foundations that will shine forever in heaven, because it is in them that the saints are born, grow and are formed in their first steps, to then continue their paths with the Church of Christ. How I would like to write down everything that I have felt and what the Lord has revealed to me, but it is not possible to put all in words what he wishes to do for the salvation of his people. My Heart, at this moment, seems like it is going to explode, for so much joy and peace it feels after the Blessed Mother transmitted her message to me. The presence of the Holy Mother filled the place where I was standing with divine peace. It was as if when she spoke to me the presence of the Lord descended from heaven and enveloped all things, it is something inexplicable. How can God stoop so low to my poor misery. I have nothing but sin. But even so, he comes and transmits his will. Seeing this loving action of God and the power of his love, I ask myself: Who would dare to fight against his work and against his divine designs? Only an unbalanced and blind person. But even those who wish to go against what he wants to do will fall to the ground, because it only takes a small breath from God for all the high mountains to come down and fall to the ground. Let us then think what would become of men before this breath?
I put here what by divine permission, I have to reveal:
You write what you have felt in your heart. It is I and my Son Jesus who inspired you and we desire that the desires of our Most Holy Hearts be put into practice for the conversion and salvation of many families.
Tell everyone not to be surprised at what we wish to do here in Ribeirao Pires. God came to save you and ardently desires your salvation and the salvation of many families, families that will come here seeking peace and divine grace, which saves and heals. The wounded hearts will be healed and the wounds in your hearts will be closed, because the Lord is benevolent and full of compassion for his suffering people who are almost fainting, walking without strength and without courage, in these very difficult times, where darkness wishes to dominate everything.
" Until the Spirit from on high is poured out upon us. Then the desert will be turned into vergel, and the vergel will be held as a forest. Law shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness shall dwell in the vergel. The fruit of righteousness shall be peace, and the work of righteousness shall be tranquility and security forever. My people shall dwell in a house of peace, in safe mansions and in quiet places. Though the forest comes down, though the city is humbled, you will be happy, sowing by abundant waters, letting oxen and donkeys walk free."
(Isa 32:15-20)
Here the Lord will perform his wonders and he will make his voice heard at every corner, over the roofs of their houses, because his voice must reach as quickly as possible all hearts closed to his love, so that they may be opened.
Do not be afraid! Those who love the Lord must fear nothing, but must proclaim his words of truth and justice loud and clear, for the release of the captives and the oppressed, so that the blind may see and the deaf may hear. I am with you, and my Son Jesus will always bless you and give you his strength and peace. Now I bless you my Son and all those who will wish to fulfill the calls of our Hearts with faith and love: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Thou shalt therefore prophesy unto them all these words, and shalt say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high, and shall cause his voice to be heard from his holy habitation. (Jer 25:30)