Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber - Easter Feast

My peace be with you!
My children, I am here alive in resurrection in your midst, with my Blessed Mother and my Virgin Father Joseph.
Blessed are those who prepare themselves every day, welcoming my words into their hearts and all that I speak to them through my Mother and St. Joseph. Time passes and men do not wish to abandon sin. In fact, sin is the goal of many of them, for they seek only their own personal satisfaction. Men have lost sight of sin and no longer know how to distinguish the right hand from the left. They are blind, because the devil has destroyed the souls of many of them with his seductions and traps.
Only those who violate their own rebellious will to learn to do the will of God will remain faithful to this work and persevere until the end.
Whoever wishes to be Mine, but does not renounce sin and the world, deceives himself, but not Me. Leave your life of sin, for only then can you be mine. Seek my divine grace and I will be able to transform your hearts and your loves, raising you from the old man to the new man in God. Do not be deceived by the world. Satan wants to show you that the illusions of the world can bring you happiness, but do not believe his lies. But believe my words of eternal life, for they can give you true happiness in heaven.
Take care, my son, of this work with your faith, with your love, and with your dedication. Fear nothing! I am with you and your mother, blessing you always. Nothing can stop this work from spreading more and more in the world, because I, the Lord, have already blessed and prepared it long ago, and before men think of destroying it, they should already appear before me, to give account for every time lost and for every act they have committed in this world.
Time passes, but my words and my promises will never pass. I bless the Church and all of humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
To follow Jesus, living and risen, in our midst is to take on great responsibilities and commitments, our commitment as baptized people, witnessing to Christ and his love. We cannot follow Jesus for fun. To follow him requires us to break with sin and our wrong attitudes forever, otherwise we risk falling and being left by the wayside, without the strength to get back on our feet. God calls us now. Our yes must be given now. The change that God asks of us is now and not for tomorrow. Tomorrow may come, but we may no longer be here to see it arise.