Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

By a revelation from God last year today we were celebrating the Assumption of St. Joseph into heaven. St. Joseph revealed to me last year that this event in his life was to be commemorated on the following Wednesday right after the feast of the Ascension of his Son Jesus. Today the Holy Family appeared. The Child Jesus who was in St. Joseph's arms was the one who spoke. He appeared to be the age of a one and a half year old boy, but still spoke majestically like a King. The Child God said:
Peace to all of you!
My son, spread the devotion of the three united Hearts to the world. This devotion was born from the depths of my Sacred Heart and is an inexhaustible source of graces for sinful humanity.
This devotion has come to heal wounded and fainting humanity so that it can be re-energized again to God's grace.
I have come from heaven with my Blessed Mother and with my Virgin Father Joseph to bless you and to tell you that if you desire the blessings and protection of heaven that you honor, love and praise our united Sacred Hearts and thus your lives will be illuminated and enveloped by divine light and grace.
The world deserves a deluge of punishment, but through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph my justice is still being stopped and removed. Intercede, make amends and pray to obtain the mercy of my Heart for yourselves and for the world.
Those who are not humble will never understand our holy presence among you and never will, because only those who make themselves small and recognize their nothingness before me, my Mother and St. Joseph will have this grace to understand the mysteries and presence of God.
Prayer many pray and even many prayers, but few are made with love and with the heart, (1) because prayers made by hearts full of sins and imperfections will never ascend to heaven. Pray, be converted, and change your lives so that your prayers will have value before our three united Hearts. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Child Jesus opened his arms and between his right mother and left hand appeared the Scapular of St. Joseph. Showing it to me he made me understand how important it is to spread this Scapular to all mankind, especially young people. The devil hates this Scapular and does not wish to see it spread, but the Child Jesus made me understand that this grace granted to all mankind, the enemy will never be able to prevent it from reaching everywhere, because the message of the three Sacred Hearts and devotion to St. Joseph is spreading rapidly in many places of the world that I do not yet know, but which I will come to know about very soon and what great miracles he will do so that this devotion will grow as never before in the world so that the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will be more loved and honored alongside his Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
(1) Here I understood that Jesus was talking about imperfections referring to those who do nothing to change. All of us are not imperfect yet and in making our prayers we may not make them right. Jesus wants to show us that when we try to correct ourselves, to change our lives, to follow the advice of the Church and his Mother, listening to it and putting it into practice is of immense value; unlike those who do not make the effort and do not try to correct their mistakes, they lose so many graces and the damage is great and the spiritual wounds are many.
(2) "The true remedy for the wounds of humanity, whether material, such as hunger and injustices, or psychological and moral ones caused by a false well-being, is a rule of life based on fraternal love, and which has its source in the love of God. That is why we must abandon the path of arrogance, of violence used to obtain positions of greater power, to guarantee success at any cost." (Benedict XVI)