Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber - Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Peace be with you!
My beloved children, tonight I come from heaven to ask you to honor the Holy Cross of my Son Jesus.
On the cross, my Divine Son suffered and died, but obtained the grace of victory over all evil for you. When my Son Jesus died, the cross shone immensely, like an indescribable light, blinding the demons that were in the world, and casting them into the fire of hell, where they remained for a long time.
My Son obtained for the world its deliverance. All those who know how to take advantage and welcome the graces that flow from the cross and are granted by the merits of the Passion of my Son, will never be defeated and beaten by the power of hell, and will not be condemned, because my Son will grant victory and salvation to many for those who trust in him and in his infinite love.
I love you and I tell you that I am here to protect you and to drive all evil away from you and your families. Pray, pray with your heart. You must open your hearts to God more and more. When you learn to pray with your heart you will experience God's great peace and love in your lives and you will see God's wonders come to pass in them and in the world. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady prayed today the Our Fathers and the Glories that we love her Son Jesus deeply and make him happy by our actions, not offending him with terrible sins. During the apparition she asked me to go to the image of her Son on the cross and pray before him, asking for me, for my family, and for the world in general. As I stood before the image of the crucified Christ in my house, it grew and became alive, and Jesus appeared there before me, a tall, lithe man, just as nailed to the cross. He was leaning toward me with his arms open and embraced me saying:
Save my souls with your prayers. Tell this to your brothers who are here!...All those who pray before this image of mine, repent of their sins and ask me with faith and trust will receive all the graces of my Heart! This image of mine will work great miracles and wonders for the contrite of heart.