Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Lanciano, Italy - Feast of Our Lady Queen

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the Queen of the World.
I come from heaven, because my Son has allowed me to grant you many graces and a special blessing for you, your families, and all humanity.
Children, pray the rosary with love and with your heart. Prayer is holy and powerful. Understand that through prayer you can receive countless graces from heaven.
Beloved children, destroy the darkness of the devil with your prayers made with love. God wishes to save many of his children from so many evils. Receive the calls of God, place them well within your hearts, so that they may produce in your lives fruits of holiness. Today I unite myself to your prayer, interceding before my Son Jesus for your families and for all humanity.
Children, pray for the world, pray for the conversion of sinners. The world is wounded and full of sins. Intercede for your brothers who put themselves in the devil's hands without thinking about their eternal salvation, sinning and offending the Lord gravely.
I am here to help them to be of God. I want to lead them to God. Pray and free yourselves from sin, so that God's grace can always be within your hearts and in your lives.
Strive for heaven. Do not desire the things of the world and its deceptions, for they lead you down the road to hell. Don't desire hell, but desire heaven. Hell is horrible, my children, with terrible suffering without end. Fight for eternity, to be with God one day in the glory of his kingdom.
Ask forgiveness for your sins, and be united with God, to remain always within his Divine Heart. I, your Mother and Queen, love and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Heb 3:13-15: "Rather, encourage one another, day by day, as long as this "today" resounds, so that none of you may be hardened by the seduction of sin, for we become partners with Christ, provided we hold firm to the end our initial Constancy. This, while it is said, "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in rebellion."
Heb 5:11-14: "In this regard we would have much to say, things quite difficult to explain, given your slowness to understand. Judging by the time, you should be masters by now! Yet again you need someone to teach you the first rudiments of God's words.
You have need of milk instead of solid food. Now, he who feeds on milk is not able to understand the teaching of what is right, because he is still a child. Solid food is for adults, those who experience has already exercised to distinguish between good and evil."
Heb 6:4-8: " There are people who were once enlightened, who tasted the gift of heaven and had a part in the Holy Spirit, who experienced the savor of God's Word and the miracles of the world to come, and yet gave up. It is impossible for them to be renewed and brought back to conversion, while they crucify the Son of God again and expose Him to insults. In fact, when a land soaked with abundant rain produces plants useful to those who cultivate it, that land has God's blessing. But if it produces thorns and weeds, it has no value and is one step away from the curse: it will eventually be burned.
Heb 9:17: "A will takes effect only after the testator's death. It remains without effect as long as he lives."
Therefore, it is necessary for every confidant to die to himself and to the world, so that the fruits of his testimony, his words and teachings transmitted to the people may be borne. As long as he exists and lives only for himself the work will never be realized as God wishes and as it should be spread and accepted by the Church and the people. This fructification of the work will only come with the extinguishing of his life in this world until the full sacrifice and offering of his life to God with his death.
We can then understand who really in the Church, in the Movements and in the Prayer Groups is doing God's will: those who are putting themselves out, dying to self and self, knowing how to endure every humiliation, suffering and criticism, being a true witness to the Word of God and the teachings of Christ, uniting with him on the cross for the salvation of the world, and not those who are seeking their vain glory and personal satisfaction, seeking consolations, praise and self-acceptance and esteem, keeping silent when they should be speaking the truth, hiding when they should be defending the Church and the faith, taking advantage when they should be giving their all to bring souls to the light of God. Many prayer groups and
Movements will never be able to repair and gladden the Heart of Jesus, because they are full of these negative things, of people who use the name of God and the Church to self-promote and appear to others, instead of making the holy image of God and his presence appear to souls.