Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, August 21, 2009
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Lanciano, Italy

In the afternoon, while I was praying, I saw Jesus very beautiful. He had a sad physiognomy. He said to me:
My Heart is full of love. Allow me to spread my love, through my messages. Help me to save souls for my kingdom. I am full of love for souls.
My Heart is looking for love, for only true love from a soul on earth can comfort my Heart in heaven, which is so wounded and outraged by so many sins.
My holy gaze is upon you. My holy gaze destroys the devil and his kingdom of darkness. Desire to be always under the protection of my holy gaze: a powerful gaze, a gaze of living and flaming flame, which blinds and destroys every evil and every cunning of the infernal enemy. (Rev 1:14)
Whoever follows my gaze and lets himself be encompassed by it, will never be lost. Many have their souls rotten, because of their evil and sinful gaze. Many sin by looking. And I tell you even more: many are in the fire of hell, because of this sin, because they have made their eyes the ruin of their souls.
How many priests have destroyed the purity and holiness of their souls by their impure and evil eyes. They have allowed the devil to blind them instead of them blinding the devil with the holiness of their gaze and their soul. Even by the look, a priest can destroy the devil if he believes, for a priest who is deeply united with me allows me, through his look, to reflect the light of my eyes destroying the darkness of Satan. O how important and precious is a holy priestly gaze.
Let me lead you through Gethsemane. May you know how to endure the scourging, the crowning of thorns, may you carry the cross with love and allow yourself to be crucified for my love, for the salvation of the souls of the faithful and of many priests.
I will always be with you and I will never leave you alone, even though it may often seem otherwise. Fear not! For souls to find salvation, a great sacrifice and total reparation of your entire being is needed, offered with love to the Father, through the merits of my Passion, united to my Divine Heart, to the Immaculate Heart of my Mother, and to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
Pray, pray, pray, and you will help me to bring my light to many souls. I bless you and all mankind: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Then Jesus said,
See my son, how sad!
I saw at this moment, many priests suffering and burning themselves in the fire of hell. It was a horrible and sad sight to see. Many were screaming in despair, blaspheming against God and the Church. Jesus explained to me that they were there because of the sins of their sinful outlook, and because of their impure and foolish attitudes on earth. Others were suffering because of their disobedience and rebellion toward the Pope and the Church. Let us therefore pray much for priests and the Church.
Mt 5:14-16: "You are the light of the world. A city built on a mountain is not hidden. You do not light a lamp to put it under a box, but on the lampstand, where it shines for all those in the house. So let your light also shine before people, that they may see your good works and hear your Father who is in heaven.
Mt 6:22-23: "The lamp of the body is the eye: if your eye is clear, you will be all filled with light. But if your eye is bad, you will be all in darkness. If therefore the light in you is darkness, how great will be the darkness!"