Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The peace of Jesus be with you all!
My children, I, your Mother, am here before you to bless you, to console you, and to help you to walk in this world toward God. Do not stray from God's path. God is waiting for you.
My Heart aches when I see you straying from my Son Jesus and from me. Do not live in sin. Pray for your rebellious and distant brothers. Pray for them so that they will return to God repentant of their sins.
The world is in darkness.* Darkness has enveloped the lives of many of my children How many to live in sin! O children, pray! How many sins of adultery are committed these days. How many divorces. When a divorce happens satan laughs loudly and sings victory. Pray for families. Take care of your families. Families need God's light. Lead families to the Heart of God with your prayers. Ward off the evils that the devil wants to inflict on them by fasting, sacrificing, and doing many penances.
I tell you again that you pray little and when you pray you still do not pray with love and with your heart. Renew your lives, so that your prayers and your sacrifices are offered to God in a holy way. Do something for your salvation and the salvation of your brothers and sisters. Don't make my Heart even more painful than it already is, because of my children who are rebellious and who don't love.
Be those who comfort my Heart by truly loving, by living a life in God. Thank you for your presence here tonight. Thank you for your prayers. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
My son, pray, pray, for Manaus will soon be punished, because of her terrible sins committed against God. Pray that this punishment does not occur, pushing them away with your prayers; otherwise, how many tears will be shed and how many sufferings my children will go through.
(*) During the apparition Our Lady showed me the world being surrounded by dense dark clouds. These clouds represent the evil that the devil is casting on Earth, because of men's disobedience and lack of love for God, turning away from His Divine Grace and Our Lady.