Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

On this night, the Virgin came accompanied by St. Gabriel. What Our Lady spoke concerns only my person. Today, She as a loving and educating Mother talked to me in a particular way, helping and advising me on my spiritual path. How patient Our Lady is and a true Mother. I have a lot to thank her for having dedicated so much time with me in this work of hers. I am nothing. I have only my faults and sins. Who can understand this maternal tenderness of hers? The Angel Gabriel said the following message by divine order:
When God speaks he wishes to be heard. Be obedient and listen to what God is speaking!
On 29. 03.2009
On this night, Our Lady wrapped us with her protective mantle. I understood during the apparition that Our Lady's mantle is holy because it envelops her immaculate body. She is full of grace, because she is full of the Holy Spirit, by virtue of this she is holy and everything touched by her is sanctified by her presence, because God is united to her and she is united to God in profound love. This is why the Virgin told us in the message that with her mantle she also grants us so many graces and blessings from heaven.
Peace be with you!
Dear children, the Creator of heaven and earth calls you to conversion. He, the Lord of Peace, asks you for your unconditional and total surrender to him. Love God, little children. He loves you and
He loves you and with His love desires to set you ablaze. Know how to live love in your families so that they can merit salvation.
God loves families. God loves your families and he wants to have them one day in heaven. I love them and this night with my mantle I wrap them, with my mantle I give them so many graces and many blessings from heaven, because my mantle is holy. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
In the days that followed, Our Lady sometimes did not appear. I understood that she was teaching me to also offer this sacrifice to God for the conversion of sinners. I also understood that I must never cling to this gift. This is a grace that God is granting me through the Virgin. He is teaching me more and more, namely, to use this gift for my spiritual growth and that of all those who seek to listen to and live the messages of the Virgin.
Many do not understand this, the very confidants scattered throughout the world. God wants those who have received a gift like this to recognize that what is more important than seeing, hearing is living the message, uniting themselves to him in his love more and more and in the love for his Holy Church, setting a good example of a life of faith, of prayer, of surrender.
St. Paul teaches us in the first letter to the Corinthians12:27-31: "Now you are the body of Christ and you are his members, each in his own part. And those whom God has established in the Church are, first of all, apostles; secondly, prophets; thirdly, teachers...Next come the gifts of miracles, healings, assistance, government, and that of speaking different languages.Aspire to the higher gifts." ...and further still he will tell us in 1Cor13:8-10: "Charity will never end. As for prophecies, they will disappear. As for tongues, they will cease. As for knowledge, it will also disappear. For our knowledge is limited, and limited is our prophecy. But when perfection comes, that which is limited will disappear."
St. Paul is teaching all those who call themselves confidants not to cling to their gifts, because everything will end, but only love will remain. A confidant cannot take hold of his gift and think himself better than all the others. And I say even more, a confidant cannot want to be more than those whom God has chosen and placed in the first places, for St. Paul clearly explains to us that each member of the body is in its proper place where God has placed it. We must understand this: where God has placed them. If a confidant is not in the first place, because it belongs only to the apostles, that is, God's ministers, the Pope, the Cardinals, the Bishops and the Priests, why then does he want to be where he should not be? It is the second place that is reserved to the prophets, St. Paul tells us, not the first. And so successively the places of those who claim to have various gifts he mentions in his letter.
Therefore a confidant cannot want to be a consecrated of God or take his place, if God has not called and consecrated him to this ministry through his Holy Church to occupy the first place, but must be in his due place, the second. And he further teaches us that we should aspire to the highest gifts in speaking of charity: true gift and true means of sanctification for many, which will never end and which is the greatest of all.
Those who love truly know God as he is. All spiritual growth is in union with God's Divine love. This love will purify us more and more in its holy flames that scorch our soul, teaching us to live as St. Paul tells us in 1Cor13:4-7: "Charity is patient, charity is kind. It is not envious. Charity is not proud. It is not arrogant. Nor is it scandalous. It does not seek its own interests, it is not angry, it does not hold grudges. It does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in the truth. It excuses all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." Here is how we can measure our union to God and our personal sanctification united to Him, if we are really living this that St. Paul tells us in his letter to the Corinthians.