Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

St. Joseph, on this night, appeared holding the Child Jesus in his arms. The Virgin was on his right side. All three dressed in gold, as depicted in the picture of the Three Hearts. I felt a great joy in my heart. It is impossible to describe how beautiful the three of them are. Just seeing them makes you want to leave this world and be united with them in heaven. I could try to explain, look for so many words to tell people about what they are like, but no words can explain what the heavenly beauty of Jesus, Mary and Joseph is like and the great love he has for us.
Peace from our three Most Holy Hearts to all of you!
My children, pray for the world. The world is sick because of so many sins that men commit against God. If you want to belong to God, abandon your life of sin. If you want to honor my Heart be obedient to Jesus and love my Spouse Mary Most Holy. Be faithful in your path of conversion. Don't be carried away by the strong waters of life when trials come your way, but remain steadfast and faithful to the Lord. See how much I had to suffer together with my Son Jesus and my Spouse Mary, but I did not despair, I did not lose my faith and hope; I trusted in the Lord's mercy and help.
Today, how many are those who immediately betray and abandon the Lord at the slightest test. They act in this way because they have never belonged to Him from the heart, because they have never been obedient to Him, never welcomed His word and lived it with love.
Be God's, not with words, but with your life and with your whole being. I am here to help you. Pray, pray, pray and God will have mercy on you and your families. Pray today in a special way for the Church and the Pope. Pray and be children of God, obeying His Holy Church and being those who defend it with love. Peace to you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!