Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, February 23, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Brescia, BS, Italy

Peace my children, the peace of Jesus to all of you!
Dear children, I come once again to call you to God. I will never tire. I tell you again: I will not tire of leading you to Jesus, because I watch over your good and the good of all humanity.
Understand my appeals by praying, by opening your hearts, by freeing yourselves from everything that makes you lose the grace of your souls. The devil is leading many of my children to hell right now. What great pain to my Heart. My little children who have lost eternal life forever!
Our Lady at this moment became very sad and with an expression of pain on her beautiful face. It was as if at that moment she was watching this terrible scene: the souls being taken to hell by the devil.
Do something my children. Don't just stand by. Help your brothers to find the salvation that is my Son Jesus. I have come to help them. My Mother's Immaculate Heart is the refuge of all of you. I would like you to listen to what I tell you, because in this way God's grace will reach the hearts of your brothers.
*Pray, fast. Make each week of Lent that Iran begins your conversion and life changing encounter with God. Honor the holy wounds of my Son, meditate on his holy passion and so many blessings will come into your lives. I welcome you in my Heart and bless you with a special blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Remember: I am with you always, every day. Love, love, love, and you will truly belong to my Son. Thank you for being here tonight and for all you do for the kingdom of God.
As she said these words, the Virgin began to rise slowly ascending into the heavens until she disappeared in the light that enveloped her.
(*) In the passion and death of Jesus Christ, our sins were consumed by fire. If we accept this reality in faith, and in pious surrender accept the integral Christ - which means choosing and walking the paths of Christ's imitation - then the same Christ will lead us, by his passion and cross, to the glory of the resurrection.
This is precisely what is experienced in contemplation: it is death and resurrection. Jesus Christ is solicitous toward the soul and gives his own life for the sake of the soul's life, in the struggle against his and the soul's enemies. He chases away Satan and all evil spirits, wherever he meets them personally, and snatches souls from their tyranny. He cruelly reveals human malice wherever it is blindly, covertly and obstinately opposed to it. To all those who recognize their sin, humbly confess it and intimately desire to be set free, Jesus Christ extends his hand, demanding of them, however, unconditional imitation and renunciation of all that is opposed to his Spirit. (Edith Stein, Saint. The Science of the Cross)