Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Naples, Italy

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I love you and I come this night from heaven to bless your families. Dear children, be children of prayer and faith. I want to lead you to Jesus. I want to help you in your difficulties. I want to make you witnesses of my Son's and my Mother's love for your brothers and sisters. Pray, pray a lot.
Your city needs so many prayers. So many sins are committed here that cry out for God's justice. Pray my children. Repair, repair with your prayers and sacrifices. God is in a hurry, otherwise a great calamity will happen here. Those who entrust themselves to the Heart of my Son Jesus, to my Immaculate Heart, and to the Chastely Heart of my Spouse Joseph, will be protected against every evil and danger. Children, I tell you: this place I have blessed with my Mother's presence. Gather here in this place where I appeared and you will receive thousands of graces. Here in this place my Son will convert many sinners. In difficult days this place will be protected and nothing will destroy it. To all my motherly blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
In saying these words Our Lady made me remember a dream I had in 2007, when I saw a house where some people were on the second floor frightened because of something terrible that was happening outside. Suddenly I saw myself inside this house with these people and I got close to the window, which reminded me of the windows of the houses in Italy. Outside, I heard loud and deafening noises, like explosions happening one after another. The sky became all dark and fire started coming, a lot of lava flowing over the house. I addressed everyone inside the room where we were meeting and said. "Don't be afraid. Pray, pray together with me!..." I began to pray the Hail Mary and everyone accompanied me.
I put my hands on the window and prayed and the lava that passed outside the window did not debris it and did not enter the room where we were and nothing inside the house was detsruined, because God and the Virgin protected us. Soon after that I woke up.
Before she left the Virgin said,
Pray, pray, pray and I will always be present here to bless you. Sanctify this place with prayer, with sacrifice and with penance. I send you a kiss of love. Stay in the peace of God. See you soon!