Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today Our Lady spoke to me through inner voice. I listened to her voice as she spoke to my heart. Our Lady's motherly and gentle words entered my heart, which vibrated strongly:
Let me help you. I want to help you. Don't waste your time with useless things. Don't give space and place to doubts and uncertainties. Before God all your questions must disappear, so that His light may appear in your lives and His grace may enter your hearts. Do not allow the devil to destroy the virtues with which God wanted to adorn you. These virtues must grow in you and not be destroyed. Shouldn't that which is good for you be preserved and held with great zeal? So why are you so careless with the virtues of your souls? Pray to preserve them, so that they make you grow in God's grace by doing His Most Holy Will. God is the one who can and wants to help them. This is the reason for my visits on earth, and in a special way in the State of Amazonas, in your State. I come to help all my children who are letting themselves be destroyed by the devil and falling into his clutches without realizing it. Come back to God by living and obeying his Law of Love.
You ask so many questions, you want to be listened to right away, but you don't want to listen to God. You want your own will to be done, but you don't want to do God's will.
You want your problems to be solved, but you don't want to pray and sacrifice for the intentions that your Heavenly Mother came to tell you about from God. And still they say that God does not listen to them and that he does not show his power by doing justice? Where is the error really, my children: in God or in you? Where is the ingratitude: in God or in you? Well, here I am going to show you: For a long time I have been begging you to pray, to pray, to pray in a special way for the world and for peace, and many of you have not even begun to pray. So, soon the consequences of your actions and your sins come upon you, and you are overwhelmed and distressed, not knowing how to get out of the hole you have thrown yourself into. Isn't this your mistake?
Many of you have the opportunity at the end of the day to be in your homes, to rest, to eat, to lay your heads on your pillows, and to wake up the next day still having your homes, the opportunity to eat, to have what to wear like your jobs, while many of your brothers and sisters have no home, nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat, but only their afflictions and the bread of bitterness and hunger that they have suffered for many years. Many of you do not thank God for these favors that he grants you, but on the contrary, you still say that God does not grant you grace and that he does not love you. Who is being unfair: God or you?
You and your families have benefited and continue to benefit from my graces and blessings as a Mother. Many families have received my favors by God's will. How many evils have been taken away from you and your families during all these years and you say that God doesn't love you. This is still a great injustice and ingratitude on your part, my children, towards God's great love. Now I speak to the husbands and wives with broken homes who say that God has not looked upon them and their prayers of supplication, allowing their homes to be broken. Husbands and wives who have often chosen to do their own will than God's will. Husbands and wives who have not prayed and have not prepared well for the sacrament of marriage: a sacrament so sublime and so holy. Husbands and wives with hardened hearts, turned only to their unbridled passions, to their personal selfishness, to their vanities and to worldly things. Negligent husbands and wives who made no effort to be in God's friendship and grace after having received the sacrament, but who offended him in a filthy way thinking that they could have the right to do whatever they wanted by being married. Pretended husbands and wives with dual personalities, who claim to live the Gospel, but whose souls are blacker than coal. Chaotic rather than Catholic husbands and wives. Husbands and wives who have relaxed in their spiritual growth, in their zeal and love for the family, who have allowed work, money and welfare to take priority over the prayer, sacrifice and penance that should be offered to God on behalf of their own families and all other families around the world. Who has been unjust my children: God or you?
Start over, start over again on the good path: the holy path that I have indicated to you so that you can open your hearts to God and receive his graces, but above all, so that you can be more conscious and grateful for the great favors that God has granted you in these last times through my messages and my apparitions. Repent of your wrong attitudes and ingratitude and God's mercy will descend powerfully upon your homes and God's light will dispel all darkness and spiritual blindness. With my love I wish to heal you, with my love I wish to help you, with my love I wish to lead you to the God of salvation and peace. Each time you pray my rosary, my great love as a Mother will descend upon you and transform your hearts. Whoever consecrates himself to me will reach the highest perfection and knowledge of God's love, for I will lead to him all those who trustingly place themselves in my hands. Be God's by consecrating yourselves to my Heart. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!