Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

I was doing some things when I felt the presence of the Virgin and heard her voice that gave me a message. In the message she spoke about a certain matter that I was thinking with myself about certain people guiding me with her holy and motherly words:
The one who suffers by accepting God's will in his life has a more perfect and purified love than others who say they love but reject the trials not accepted with resignation. He who claims to love but does not accept the cross is poor in love and this love he claims to have is imperfect, full of flaws, rootless. He who accepts the cross and the trials of life sent by God, remaining faithful to him, without ever rebelling against him, has the most perfect and true love, because this love has root and the person who has it knows how to care for it and value it, because it cost him his tears and sufferings offered to God in depth. In pain and on the cross you will find true love. Without pain and without the cross, you will not find God's love, but only a personal and self-interested love, aimed only at your natural inclinations, which does not sanctify and does not perfect you in union with God. My Son Jesus, even in the greatest sufferings and in the terrible death on the cross, did not diminish his love for men; but this love of his grew even more for them, by granting many his forgiveness and infinite mercy, because his Divine Heart, source of burning love, desired intensely the salvation of men. Be like my Son Jesus: united to him, to his infinite merits, desire to be united to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, asking for divine mercy and salvation for all mankind, not diminishing in your love and in your prayer of intecession for the salvation of all those who need God's light in their lives.
Listening to these words of the Virgin I remembered the words that Jesus once said to Saint Gemma Galgani, protector of our youth group: "Gemma learn first to suffer to then learn to love!" Each of us is invited by Christ to enter this school of love.