Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itacoatiara, AM, Brazil

During the whole day I felt the presence of the Virgin in an extraordinary way. She was always at my side and very happy. When we left Itapiranga carrying her image and arrived at the street that leads to Itacoatiara to put her on the litter, I felt her presence near me more and more intensified. When we left for Itacoatiara where the people were waiting for her, in the middle of the road her face appeared in the sky above the car where we were with her image and she looked at us very happy. This happened twice. I felt in my heart her voice that said to me: I am with you, accompanying you!...
When we arrived in Itacoatiara, a crowd of people were waiting for the arrival of the image of the Virgin. It was very beautiful this beautiful welcome to her image that will forever be engraved in my mind and heart. At that moment I thanked the Virgin for everything she was accomplishing there in that city. It was actually her request, a year and a half ago, to visit the city of Itacoatira through her image. I communicated this request to Bishop Carillo Gritti, who is responsible for the Prelature of Itacoatiara, of which Itapiranga is part. And I told him what the Virgin desired. The message was this:
Tell my son Carillo that I, his heavenly Mother, wish to visit the city of which he is Bishop of the Prelature of Itacoatiara, through my image. I wish to visit my sons and help them in their spiritual and bodily needs, as well as revive the faith of the people of the Prelature. May he consecrate the entire Prelature to me, as Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. I promise my intercession before the throne of my Son so that this Prelature will become precious in the eyes of God with the flowering of vocations and of faith in all the hearts that will open themselves to the Lord. These graces will be granted through my intercession with God if he does what I am asking of him. This request is an express order from God himself, who wants to make me better known and loved. In this way I will be able to do great things in favor of all my children who need my maternal help, and help them to overcome so many evils and dangers of the soul. When this day comes it will be very beautiful and the people will rejoice greatly and remember my visit.
This was the message that the Virgin told me. On the day of the consecration, at the moment that Bishop Carillo was placing the crown on the head of the image of the Virgin I heard the voice of Our Lady who said to me:
He is my bishop. The bishop that I had long ago prepared. He is very courageous. What he has done today no other bishop in Amazonas has had the merit to do it, so his name will be remembered forever for eternity. Now I can use my power as Mother and Queen and act strongly as I wished for the salvation of all my children. This Prelature now belongs to me in a special way, for it has been given to me and here I will show the Amazon and the world the wonders of God, crushing the head of the serpent in Itapiranga, when I said at the beginning of my apparitions that I had chosen it (Itapiranga) for the last times and that it would be a holy city. There where my great Sanctuary will be built, the Lord God will destroy all the perfidy and pride of the infernal dragon and will make me triumph as Queen of the Amazon to the whole Church.