Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzergovina

At 9:00 a.m.
In the morning, I had received a holy card of merciful Jesus with his prayer, which a lady gave me at the entrance of the cenacle Community, when we were on our way to the apparition of the 2nd of each month to Mirjana, confidant of Medjugorje, where we were meeting. During the apparition I heard the voice of the Virgin who said to me:
Look at my Son Jesus... ( I understood that I should look at the image of Jesus in the holy card )... And with the eyes of your heart, love him! Then I'll tell you why in the message... ( the message Mirjana was receiving at that moment. After the apparition ended, my friends and I walked to the church for mass and on the way I told what had happened, and what I had seen before the apparition. The message that Mirjana received that day was translated into several languages and transmitted to the people and in the message I understood what the Watch had told me:
to Mirjana on 2008-01-02
Dear children! With all the strength of My heart, I love you and give Myself for you. As a Mother fights for her children, I pray for you and fight for you. I ask you not to be afraid to open yourselves, then you will be able to love with your heart and give of yourselves to others. The more you do this with your heart, the more you will receive and better understand My Son and His Gift for you. May you all recognize yourselves through the Love of My Son and Me. Thank you.
Jesus Christ
My peace be with you and in your families!
I am the Light of the world. I am the Peace. I am life for your lives. I am the God of the impossible and I am the One who can help you in everything.
Believe, believe, believe that your prayers offered with love are a powerful weapon to destroy the devil and his kingdom of darkness.
Do as my Mother has taught you today: surrender to me, open your hearts and allow me to make you a gift of love to your brothers and sisters. With the love of your hearts you can be totally mine and you can welcome my graces into your lives every day. Give yourselves to me without fear and do not be afraid to give me your yes, but give yourselves without reserve.
My Mother is the one who fights every day for you, for your happiness and is untiring, because she loves you so much and if you learn to love, you will also be untiring and will know how to offer yourselves every day, praying and asking for my mercy, for you and for the world. I thank you for all your sacrifices, penances and prayers offered today. Know that today you have saved thousands of souls and in your families today my light has shone and my grace has been poured strongly in a special way.
Return to your homes with my love and my peace and be light where there is darkness.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
While climbing the Mount Podbrdo of Medjugorje the Lord gave me the following reading Isaiah 40:9-11 :Go up to a high mountain, to proclaim the good news to Zion. Lift up your voice with strength, to proclaim the good news to Jerusalem. Lift up your voice without fear, say to the cities of Judah, Behold your God! Behold the Lord God who comes with power, stretching out his arms sovereignly. Behold the price of his victory with him; he is preceded by the fruits of his conquest; like a shepherd he will feed his flock, gather the scattered animals, carry the lambs in the folds of his robe, slowly lead the suckling sheep...
I understood by an inner light that all the apparitions of Our Lady in the world are preparing humanity for the encounter with the Lord who is coming and who will not delay any longer.And those who are obedient and faithful to what the Virgin is transmitting to us in her messages will not be disappointed,but will receive the eternal reward from the Lord himself who is coming.We must persevere to the end without stopping on our path of conversion, that is why the Lord gave me the other readings:
Daniel 12:2-3: Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken, some to eternal life, others to ignominy, eternal infamy. Those who have been intelligent shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who have introduced many (into the ways) of righteousness shall shine like the stars, with perpetual brightness.
Daniel 12:10 and 13 : Many will be cleansed, acrisolated, and tried. The wicked will act wickedly, but none of them will understand, while the wise will understand.... As for you, go to the end. You will rest and rise to (receive) your share of inheritance, at the end of time.
Also during the days that I was in this city, speaking to me the Lord gave me the following reading:
Isaiah 58:12: You will rebuild the ancient ruins, you will rebuild on the secular foundations; they will call you the repairer of breaches, the restorer of ruined dwellings.