Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Trieste, Italy

Peace be with you!
My beloved children, I still come from Heaven to invite you to conversion, because men have not yet heard this message of mine. Men are deaf to my appeals. Help me with your prayers to open so many hearts to my Son Jesus.
Time is passing and many are missing the opportunity to return to the Lord. For many it may be too late, because they are blinded by the devil and are proud at heart.
How serious the sin of pride is: whoever is not simple and humble will not be able to go to Heaven. Whoever is proud resembles the devil, because he is like that. Pray to understand God's call, because we can still save many souls. I have come once again from Heaven to bless your city, because great calamities can happen here. Pray, pray, pray. (*) God has already given you his sign. Wake up and understand God's sign.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
(*) Here the Virgin speaks of the roof of the Shrine of Monte Grisa that collapsed under the weight. A
The Virgin made me understand by an interior light that this occurred as a sign that God is not happy with Trieste where so many sins of adultery, drugs and abortion are committed. It was in this Shrine that Our Lady crying on 13.01.06 begged my mother to help her by praying to repair these terrible sins of which the world is contaminated: "Thank you my daughter for coming here with me. Help me, my daughter, help me. Pray many rosaries for the conversion of sinners. Pray for the end of adultery, the end of abortion, and the end of drugs. The whole world is contaminated with these three sins. Help me. Pray a lot! ( The Virgin was crying as she said this message)"