Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Tavernola, BG, Italy

Peace to you dear children, peace!
My children, I come from heaven to gather you in prayer. I, your heavenly Mother, come to bring you my graces so that your hearts may be filled with God's love.
I am happy for your presence, for your prayers, and for your perseverance in walking united with your Heavenly Mother, because I desire to lead you to Jesus.
I love you and tell you that God tonight looks at you with love and blesses you. Be God's and you will be holy.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
This night, when I returned to Brescia at dawn, the devil came to show all his spite against the work of God and the Virgin. It was about 3:00 a.m. when I woke up and could not sleep. I felt an uneasiness as if something bad was around me. Suddenly, the wall of the room I was in disappeared and I saw an ugly demon looking at me from outside my friends' apartment.He was on the stairs and from there he was looking at me.He could not enter where I was.Something was stopping him. I knew it was a demon of a lower order and that this demon was there trying to consummate the order he had received but he could not. I began to pray to St. Michael the Archangel and invoke the blood of Christ and the demon, like lightning, at such speed ran away frightened. After a few minutes, after praying a little, I went back to sleep. Around 4:55 a.m. I woke up again and heard that the entrance door to the building, because it has three floors, opened. And someone started walking up the stairs and entered the downstairs apartment. It didn't take long, I think about five minutes, the door opened again. It was another person entering the building, only this time it made a loud and strange noise. Everything at that moment had a horrible sound. I started to hear someone's footsteps going up the stairs, but they were heavy and with each step I felt sick. Again the walls of the room disappeared and I could see who was climbing the stairs: it was the chief demon Lucifer, horrible, dressed in black, like an ugly man, half animal. His eyes were red with hatred. I felt an evil force that wanted to cause me fear and despair, but soon I remembered Jesus, the Virgin and St. Joseph, their motherly words, their love and protection over me and that fear and despair disappeared. Lucifer was also trying to enter the place where I was but he did not succeed. He looked with hatred for a breach, a place through which he could enter the house of my friends, but he could not. I told him: There is no place for you here. In this house only Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph reign. Here belongs only to them and not to you. Go away! ...The devil looked at me with contempt and said to me, What have you come to do here again. Are you still going to continue this clowning around?stop it.Will you stop or will you continue? ...I answered with all the courage and strength of my heart that God had given me: I will never stop and no one will stop me from speaking about the messages of God and the Virgin. Neither will you,because God is with me and is the Almighty. Just go away!!! ..Then the devil said: Then the battle began between you and me!... I again invoked the blood of Christ and the protection of the Virgin and the demon full of hatred like mad, because he could not enter the room where I was entered the downstairs apartment and from there under my bed made the window of the room where I was crash , shaking the glass and disappeared. When he left I felt all that uneasiness go away and the peace of God that enveloped me again in a strong way.