Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to you dear children, peace!
I am your Mother and I wish that all of you will always be within my Immaculate Heart. Pray, pray, pray to remain within my Heart. Here in my Heart you will find peace, happiness, and God's grace. Be Jesus' by renouncing any and all imperfections, by confessing and receiving Communion.
My children, God calls you to conversion, to live love with everyone. Be of the Lord by taking his holy words to your brothers, but live them first.
Those who belong to my Son Jesus and my true son leave behind all the wrong things. I have already told you that you cannot enlighten others who live in darkness and allow themselves to be blinded by the errors that spread in the world.
Today, how many are those who claim to be from Jesus, but accept all the erroneous teachings and demonic doctrines spread in the world. No, dear children, do not accept these teachings and doctrines. Obey, accept and live what the Church, in the person of the Pope, teaches you. My Pope has recently asked you to love and defend the truths and the Church of my Son, which is Catholic.
Whoever does not love the Church of my Son and is not faithful and obedient to it, will always walk in darkness. Therefore, be children of God and of the Church, and not children of darkness and of the world. Open your hearts to my calls, and you will always walk on safe paths. I love you and I want the good of you, so I tell you these maternal words, words of love that come from my Mother Heart that loves God so much. Love God, my children, and you will not regret it. Be His and you will have everything in your lives and eternal life. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!