Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My son, tell your brothers to pray, that all may be God's, for the time for conversion is coming to an end. Men do not listen to me and continue offending the Lord with grave sins. Do penance, fasting for your rebellious brothers, for your conversion and the conversion of all of them, so God will have mercy on you and the world. Today I came from heaven with my Son Jesus and my spouse Joseph. Today we want you to see this.
At this moment I saw the birth of St. Joseph. This scene was very beautiful. St. Joseph was a little baby in the arms of his mother Rachel and his father Jacob. The whole heaven was in celebration. There were numerous angels around the house. It was as if I had been transported to that moment, as if I was living it now in my life. I knew that the Virgin and Jesus must come afterwards, for the birth of St. Joseph was foreshadowing the coming of the Mother of the Savior and the Prince of Peace into the world. Soon after this vision disappeared and I was shown another scene: I saw St. Joseph at the age of more or less five or six years. He was at the door of his house and in the street some soldiers were passing by, carrying a man imprisoned. These soldiers were beating this poor man very badly, punching him, dragging him along the street, pulling his hair, beating him violently on the back with a stick. This scene shocked St. Joseph as a child very much, and also me, who saw all this. This image remained imprinted in his mind and all through the night he remained in prayer asking God for the poor dying and suffering man. In his prayers St. Joseph asked God to send the Prince of Peace to the world, the one his father Jacob told him in his teachings should come to deliver the people of Israel. He prayed, prayed, prayed insistently that his prayers were very pleasing to God. The other day, Saint Joseph boy went to where the imprisoned man was. This man was a few minutes away from his home. He was to be taken to another city that day. St. Joseph could not get close to the poor man because the soldiers would not let him, but a few steps away from him he looked at the poor man. The man when he saw St. Joseph felt very touched in his soul and felt a great peace and serenity. Practically all the pain he had been feeling, caused by the mistreatment he had received from the soldiers was gone. Just by looking at St. Joseph he was able to have the comfort and could die in the peace of God. I understood through this vision that already from a young age God was preparing St. Joseph to be our comforter and intercessor in the hour of our afflictions and death. Just as he obtained comfort for this poor man in the vision, so he will obtain for us the grace of God for those who are devoted to him and spread his devotion.
Then this vision disappeared and I was shown another scene. St. Joseph appeared already as an adolescent.He must have been 14.He felt at this time a great joy in his heart, something very strong that attracted him more and more to God. In fact, God made St. Joseph feel in his heart the presence of Mary, who had already been conceived in the womb of her mother St. Anne, but he did not understand why. This fact remained unknown to him, but Mary's presence in the world made him stronger in faith and a man of prayer and of God. When the Virgin was born was the time when he decided to consecrate his virginity to God. St. Joseph went to the temple in Jerusalem with his parents and there before the altar of the Lord he made his vows of purity to God without his parents knowing it. It was something that welled up from deep within his most Chaste Heart and that he kept as a beautiful secret between himself and the Most High. In truth, God had already set His eyes on St. Joseph and had already designated him from the beginning for such a great mission, to be Mary's spouse and the adoptive father of His Beloved Son. St. Joseph was gradually being prepared for this mission. After having seen all this, the vision disappeared. And Our Lady said to me:
...Make more known my spouse Joseph. He is a great intercessor before God in your greatest difficulties and afflictions. Whoever has recourse to him and to his Most Chaste Heart will obtain from the Lord great graces for his conversion and sanctification, as well as the grace of salvation, for the Lord looks with love on all those who honor St. Joseph as he wishes. Tell this to everyone. Tell them not to waste time, for these are times of great graces, before the great calamities come upon the world. We love you, we three, and we are always on your side to help you. Pray, pray, pray. Let us help you. We want your happiness and that each one of you may receive the glory of heaven and the eternal reward.
Then St. Joseph gave me this message:
Those who do not detach themselves from the world will be taken along with the sufferings that will come on earth and then to eternal sufferings, because they have not welcomed God's call to conversion. Convert, convert, convert!
Then the Child Jesus spoke:
Do not waste time so that you will not cry later. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!