Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I worry about you when you do not listen to me and when you do not live my calls. I ask you to help your heavenly Mother convert so many of your brothers and sisters through your prayers and sacrifices offered to God. So many of your brothers are in darkness, blinded by the devil. Parents are becoming very relaxed in the education of their children: they educate for the world and not for God. They want their children to be great doctors, lawyers and engineers, but they don't care that they become sinners. O parents, what are you doing? I suffer because many young people, many of your children, are becoming murderers every day by committing sins of abortion, and you don't care, but rather you omit, so that the shame doesn't come into your homes and among those around you. Don't act like this. Console the Heart of your Heavenly Mother. Pray all together as a family: fathers, mothers and children, and God's blessing will descend upon your lives.
More than ever you should pray, asking for God's mercy for the world. No sin committed, my children, will go unpunished.
Woe to those who destroy the purity of their souls and families by committing impure sins and adulteries.
Woe to those who destroy so many innocent children with sins of abortion, children who do not have a turn or a chance to live or to defend themselves. Innocent children, my little children, dear to my Heart, who are torn from their Mothers wombs in a brutal way and are treated worse than an animal. These terrible sins that gravely offend God will not go unpunished. All these sins are bringing great punishments upon your nation and the Amazon. Help me my children, I am interceding for you before God. Do your part by praying, by living my messages, because I am doing mine by appearing, calling, crying and interceding for you so that God does not punish you in a tremendous way because of your sins. Come back to God now, now my children. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!