Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My little children, I am your heavenly Mother and I love you very much. My Heart is full of love and God's graces. These graces my Son Jesus allows me to give to all those who approach my Heart with trust and love. Honor the Heart of your Mother, my little children, and you will find in it the love of God. My Heart burns with love for you, for the desire to save you from darkness and the path of sin. Pray, pray, pray that you may be rich in the love of God, who pours out his most powerful blessing on this night. Pray and sing to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the sweet comforter. The One who can heal you and relieve you in your pains and afflictions. Have faith in God and have faith in my intercession before him without ever doubting and you will have every grace.
This evening I asked for a special grace and blessing from the Virgin for my mother who was suffering greatly with severe pain in her leg and was bedridden. Our Lady told me:
Your mother suffers so that many souls may be saved and receive graces in their lives. Indeed, through her pains and sufferings she is obtaining for herself, for her brothers and for many of my children the grace of conversion and the return to God. I am on her side, defending her with my protective mantle against the attacks of the infernal enemy, who has violently raged against her, because he does not want the conversion of her brothers and many souls, but tell her to deliver everything into the hands of my Son Jesus and victory will be certain. God always wins and will win.
My little children, thank you for your prayers and for your presence here tonight. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!