Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber

The peace of Jesus be with you!
I am the Just One of the Lord and I am the one who watches over each one of you. Pray that God's light always enlightens you. Pray for the strength to endure with faith the trials of life and overcome them. Pray that God's blessing will always be with you and your families.
God sends me again today to bless you. Try to draw close to the Heart of my Divine Son and He will be generous in granting you many graces.
My son, always spread devotion to my Heart. See my Heart...
Today, it was St. Joseph who showed his Heart full of flames of love.
...He is burning with love for the salvation of souls. How many graces he wishes to grant to all of you, graces that my Lord allows me to give to all those who embrace with faith and love the devotion to my Most Chaste Heart. Tell everyone about this devotion. Prepare yourselves worthily for the birth of Jesus. On the day of the birth of my beloved Son, the Lord willed that my Heart be revealed to the world. All those who ask for my intercession I will grant many graces and give my help. The Lord wanted to make my name and my most Chaste Heart known and loved on the day of his birth, because it was precisely on this day that I contemplated him for the first time and my Heart rejoiced with great joy. At that moment my Heart was flooded with the grace of the Almighty who inflamed it with his Divine Love. How much joy I felt when I saw my Son Jesus. The Most High allowed me to be his protector and defender. How much dignity and honor the Heavenly Father has bestowed on me. May his Holy Name be blessed now and always, for all eternity and among all peoples, because of the great mercy he has for his sons and daughters.
Son, my Heart today pours out many blessings on everyone here. Tell everyone that I love them and that I am attentive to the voice of their supplications. I present the requests of each of you to the Almighty this evening.
I bless you, as do all those who honor and ask for my help: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!