Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, December 4, 2004
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Sciacca, GA, Italy

My son, to save sinners you must know how to accept the setbacks without ever losing heart and the courage to walk towards the Lord. When you let yourself be overwhelmed and suffocated by trials, you will be taking a step backwards. This is the cunning of the devil who wants to prevent you from walking the road to perfection. In this time of trial, call for me and I will be the one to guide you safely through the trials of life.
In this world one lives in a constant battle. Man fights against himself, that is, he fights against his own instinct and will, because he is still carnal rather than spiritual. To follow the inspirations and the divine grace, man must fight against everything to which he is attracted and which satisfies his concupiscence, knowing how to renounce and sacrifice his own will. In this way, the Lord purifies and gives him the strength to overcome every weakness and self-love, teaching him to seek what is spiritual and what makes him grow in holiness.
Many souls cannot free themselves from the world, from matter, because they are full of vain intentions and worldly ideas that lead them to ruin and sin, because the devil has filled them and putrefied them with his poison. It is necessary to watch and pray in order to overcome every evil.
Fight and win, having your gaze joined to mine, and thus you will know where to walk and what to do. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
I talked with the Virgin and asked her some questions about my life and mission. I asked her to stay a little longer and she answered me. How kind she is. She told me:
I told you that I would put you at the right hand of my Son Jesus, and no one will take you away from there, because my Son allowed me and gave me orders, that I will always watch over you and help you in everything. I have allowed you to hold my scepter in your hands, because I, the Queen of heaven and earth, have appointed you to a great mission, a mission given to you by the express order of the One who is Lord of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things, the One to whom every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and in the underworld. Fear nothing. If it was I who told you that I would place you at the right hand of my Son, who can take you away from there, if it is the will of the Almighty that you be there?
The Lord wants you to be a light shining among the young. Little children, you have a beautiful and important mission to fulfill. The Lord has appointed you, in these last times, to be the one who will lead today's youth to His merciful Heart. Your dream in the past was an anticipation of a future vision, of your mission. God looked at you with great mercy and chose you. Save the youth for him by witnessing with zeal, with love, with dedication, with all your strength his merciful love to all of them. May your life shine ever brighter in holiness and grace so that all young people will benefit from your spiritual growth.
Pray, pray, pray and thank the Lord who has called you to be the one who will lead the young people of your time to the glory of his kingdom. If you let yourself be led by the Lord and allow his grace to act in you, many young people will be converted and will find the way that leads to heaven through your witness and your faithfulness to him. You will achieve for yourself and for many young people, many graces. Be humble, humble, humble and God will do great things in your life. He wants to use you and make you a great sign to all the young people who are destroying themselves with evil, so that all may reach mercy. I am always with you and through your prayers I will fill you with my motherly blessings, as well as my virtues, so that you may be more pleasing to the Almighty. Be at peace, and bring this peace to all my weakest and most helpless children. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
(¹) This happened when I was going to Itapiranga, on 12.05.97, for the procession on May 13. I was inside the bus of the Aruanã line, which makes the trip there, and I was thinking that in that month we would be celebrating the day of Our Lady of Fatima and the day of Our Lady Help of Christians. It came to my heart to say: Who knows if one day Our Lady won't let me hold her scepter? I was thinking this when the bus was entering the road that leads to the city of Silves. At a certain place on the road the bus stopped and a poor young woman got on. She had her little boy in her left arm and in her right hand she held a blue umbrella. She got on the bus without any difficulty, through the stairs. Many mothers in the area, when they get on these tall buses with children on their laps, climb the door steps with difficulty, but this young girl climbed up unlike all the others, majestically and with impressive delicacy. He got on and came to sit where I was, in the seat next to mine. I thought to myself, Maybe this young mother is going to the city of Silves! The bus arrived at the Silves bus station and many got off, but the young woman did not. I thought again: Maybe she is going to Itapiranga! The bus left again and returned by the same road, taking the same route as before. Almost, or I can say, at the same place, the bus stopped and the young woman started to get ready to get off. What struck me most was that no one signaled a stop. The driver stopped and waited for the young woman to get off. Before she got off, she looked at me smiling and said: Here, hold my umbrella in your hands and give it to me through the window! I was surprised and wondered: Why did she give me her umbrella? So with she went up with her and the child could she come down? Why did she give me her umbrella in my hands? When she got off the bus immediately left and I was worried because her umbrella was with me and I couldn't hand it over. I looked out the window and thought: I'll throw the umbrella! And I threw it on the road. I kept looking out the window to see if she had seen the parasol on the ground. The young woman came walking to where the umbrella was, she picked it up off the ground and stood there on the road looking at me until I lost sight of her because of the distance. At that moment it came to my heart: It was Our Lady with the Baby Jesus! She answered my request and came to let me carry her scepter in my hands as I had thought and asked! The scepter was the little blue umbrella.
At the apparition on May 13, in Itapiranga, I asked the Virgin, to be sure, if it was she who had entered the bus, with the child, and she told me:
You still have doubts, my son. Had you not asked me if you could hold my scepter? Well, behold, I have granted your request and have come with my Son to deliver it into your hands personally. Tell your brothers that many times, I and my Son Jesus visit them personally in their homes, when we go to ask for a little food and water or some help, and they do not recognize our presence, because their hearts are closed to God and to his love. We visit all of you sometimes to see how much love and charity you have in welcoming and helping those who need it most, and many lose the graces of heaven because they do not love, do not help, and do not have their hearts open to God's grace.
This touched me very much. It was one of the times that Our Lady appeared to me as a poor, simple person, with other people standing next to me, who did not notice anything that happened or what was going on. Another thing that caught my attention was that the bus stopped at certain times, without anyone ever asking the driver to stop it. Our Lady made the driver stop where she wanted him to get on and off, and he obeyed. God be praised with his Blessed Mother and St. Joseph for all this!