Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Sciacca, GA, Italy

My son, tell the souls about my messages. They are light for their lives that they find in the darkness of sin. Do not worry about everything that may occur from now on. I will always be at your side to guide you in everything.
This work, as I have already told you, is mine. Courage! In the persecutions and trials of life always pray, and your soul will always find the peace that will comfort your heart.
The enemy always wishes to create obstacles to my work, but if all my little ones do as I have taught them they will always be victorious. A devout soul of mine always prays the rosary, sacrifices himself for the salvation of all, and knows how to be a true witness of God's love.
There is little left for the devil and his kingdom of darkness to be destroyed. I am interceding and acting more than ever, through my heavenly apparitions. I desire from everyone just good will in wanting to live my appeals and to be obedient and docile to my motherly voice.
Help me to be faithful to God and to never stray from your path!
To keep yourself always in the grace of the Lord, always acknowledge your nothingness and beg him for his help and he will listen to you. Know how to be grateful to him for the graces you have received and glorify him by giving him glory. The Lord will see your littleness and your small act of praise and thanksgiving, and he will have mercy on you. I now grant my motherly blessing to all my little children all over the world. I bless them: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady, this evening, spoke to me again about the devotion to the three united Hearts:
Spread the devotion to the three Hearts. This devotion is powerful for the salvation of families. There are countless graces that God grants to all of them through this devotion. This is the grace that God wanted to grant the families of the whole world, in this end of time. This devotion will shine strongly in the world and the rays of the graces and blessings of our Most Holy Hearts will destroy all the evil works of the demons. It is the Almighty who desires the spread of this devotion in the world. See you soon, my son!