Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, September 24, 2004
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Mother of Jesus and I want to tell you that your presence here and your prayers comfort my heart as a Mother. I love you and I tell you this night: have faith. In the greatest problems that arise in your lives nothing is lost. All can be changed by prayer and faith. I am interceding before my Son Jesus for you and your needs. If you pray with faith without ever doubting, you will convert the most hardened hearts that are far from God.
Today I give you a special blessing, a blessing of peace and love for you and your families. Teach the children to pray the rosary, dear mothers and fathers, because their prayers are important for the world. Without the prayers of children the world is lost, but if parents teach their children to pray the world will be saved.
Young people, young people, be Jesus'. Young people, I love you. Young people, today I place you within my Heart. Peace, peace, peace! I grant from this place peace for families and for the world. God sent me into the world to prepare it, to enrich it with his graces and blessings. Pray the rosary for the Church and for the world. Never as in these days is it important and precious to pray for the priests and the bishops. How many souls elected in sin. Help me little children to save these souls dear to God who are trapped in the devil's hands because of sin. I will not forget your love and dedication. I will pray much to my Son Jesus tonight for each one of you.
Maceió, Maceió, today the Lord looks upon you with mercy, because His Most Holy Mother has visited you this night. Maceió, come back to God, convert, because God can no longer bear so many sins. It is time to decide for God or for the devil. Whom do you want to follow? Decide now. The time is ending. I pray always for you my children. Here is my final call this evening: pray, pray, pray, and be converted. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Until one day again my children. Good Night!