Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, September 29, 2003
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Malga Vallazza, TN, Italy

Our Lady
Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth, Queen of all the Angels and Saints of Heaven. I come today from Heaven to bless you and to welcome you into my Immaculate Heart. Today you are receiving many graces from my Son Jesus, who is vividly present with his divine presence in the Eucharist. Adore Him and you will be able to open yourselves to divine grace every day, and you will be transformed.
My Son Jesus sends me here to give an important message to the world: convert without delay, change your lives, enough with so many sins and so many offenses to the Lord. The world is going badly and is heading for self-destruction. This is the moment when you must decide for God, for the kingdom of heaven, or for Satan and his kingdom of darkness. Whom do you want to serve, my children? Renounce all sin, so that the devil will have no power over you and your families, and so that God and his love will always prevail.
Little children, I love you so much and I want to help you. Convert now. Convert now. Read for the kingdom of heaven, there is little time left for the definitive deliverance of you and the world from all evil.
God is sending me, His Blessed Mother, to prepare you for the great final battle against all evil.
He who is faithful and remains steadfast in his path of conversion will receive the reward from my Son Jesus, the crown of glory, eternal life.
Be the ones to bring God's light to all your brothers and sisters. Be courageous. Do not be discouraged. I am here with Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael to defend you against all evil and danger.
Peace, peace, peace. Pray for peace, pray for the world, pray for the Church and for families. God wishes to bless more and more all of humanity. If the world, all my little children, listen to my motherly appeals soon satan will be destroyed. You are already in the times of the great transformations in the world, and the Lord God is already marking His chosen ones, those who are obedient to the voice of Heaven.
Do not waste time. Prepare yourselves. I will intercede before my Son Jesus for you and your families. I thank you for your presence, your prayers, and your filial love.
To all my maternal blessing and my invitation today: pray the rosary always and the world will find peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!