Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Message from Saint Michael the Archangel to Edson Glauber in Malga Vallazza, TN, Italy

It was almost noon. My friends and I had climbed the mountain to Malga Vallaza. While waiting for lunch time, I decided to take a walk and look at the mountains. Suddenly I saw a light on a part of the mountain and then St. Michael the Archangel. He was dressed in a long white tunic and his wings were shining, as was his whole being. He called to me, asking me to go to where he was. I climbed the mountain and when I arrived where St. Michael was he said to me:
Son of the Lord, Jesus and the Blessed Virgin are sending me here to communicate an important message to you: this is a place where great events will occur. Those who come to this place blessed by the Lord, where he wanted me to manifest myself, will receive great spiritual and corporal graces.
Here all those who are oppressed, tempted and attacked by the enemy will be liberated and consoled in their afflictions, if they have faith and trust in the Lord and his Blessed Mother, as well as in my intercession with which God allows me to help them.
I, Saint Michael the Archangel, come to tell the world that all Heaven looks on in horror at how greatly men offend the Lord in these last times. These are times of great battle and great confusion. God is about to punish mankind for their terrible crimes. The Angels of heaven are waging a terrible battle against the spirits of evil. All the angelic hierarchies, at the command of the one who is terrible in order of battle, come to the aid of all men who are mercilessly attacked by the demons of hell, who wish to destroy their families, their lives, their souls, and the whole world.
Blessed is he who is attentive to the voice of Heaven and who keeps watch, in these days of great darkness. He shall not be overcome by evil. Here is a place of great dread for all the demons of hell, because they know that here is the holy place blessed by the Lord, who shows himself terrible and in all his greatness, as the Almighty, the one who has all the elements of nature in his hands and who follows his orders. This is the place where all the demons are terrified, because they know that here they will be destroyed, when the Lord of heaven and earth, accompanied by his Holy Mother, the Queen of heaven and earth, comes again in glory to judge all the nations to destroy all the power of evil. This is the place where all the demons of hell will be cast into the deep abyss, never again to persecute the Lord's chosen race, won with their most precious blood. This is the place marked out by the Lord for this great event.
I wish to warn you that on September 29th, the Blessed Virgin will appear here in this place to communicate an important message to the world. It is the Lord Jesus who asks me to warn you of the coming of His Mother here in this place. I, Saint Michael the Archangel, bless you in the name of the Lord, granting you all his love and the love of his Blessed Mother, because they have so commanded me. A
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!