Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, July 9, 2002
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzergovina

Today we went to pray on Mount Krizevac, in Medjugorje. We did the Way of the Cross. I was asking Jesus and the Virgin for a grace concerning a certain person, and I was also asking more and more for a change and an opening of my heart. I desire more and more conversion and I am asking the Lord God to help me realize his will in my life.
How I desire to change and be a new creature, another person. Perfection is still very far from me. I still have to try harder and know how to renounce myself, my will, and let God mold me as he wishes.
I realize more and more that I am not yet totally the Lord's, because I have not yet truly given myself to him. I want to be holy and a great saint for God, but I know that this desire within me is fighting against my evil inclinations and weaknesses that I still have in my soul. It is a tremendous battle. I hope one day to be like St. Paul and say: I have fought the good fight!
I don't want to fade away and give room to sin and the devil, but I want the Lord God to help me to love Him and worship Him in Spirit and Truth, so that my life may be filled with His divine grace. It has not been an easy battle. Sometimes discouragement comes to me and I think that I won't be able to overcome it and carry out my mission. I am still very fragile. I am asking the Lord to strengthen me more and more with his grace and to fill me with his Holy Spirit, so that I can be a light to all my brothers and witness his Holy Presence.
In these last days I am continually in the company of different people. Each one has a different lifestyle and a different way of thinking and acting. I am asking the Lord to help me to be patient and to grant me the grace to always be welcoming and considerate towards everyone. We must know how to relate to our brothers and sisters and be in everything an instrument of God's love and peace to all of them.
Each person is special to the Lord, who loves everyone with a great love. I am trying to see in each brother and sister the presence of God. I know that it is the Lord himself who allows me to be beside each one of them so that I learn to love and know how to transmit his love, his peace and his light to all.
God's love gives us the strength and courage to do great things in his name. I hope I can witness this divine love of his ever more and never fail in charity.
Lord, teach me to love, to forgive, and to pass on your peace to all.
I want to be yours and I hope that every day I can grow more in the way of holiness. May my whole life be transformed into a true act of love. May love transform me, heal me, set me free, because love is You, Lord.
I love You and I offer You my love, that it may be perfected more and more. Thus, I will know how to love, love, love and witness to your holy Love for ever and ever. Amen!