Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, March 14, 1999
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

At night, when I was in my room praying, I saw Jesus. He approached me and with his gaze full of love and mercy said to me,
My son, may your heart not be embittered by all that we have manifested, I and my Blessed Mother, or my Father Joseph, in these messages, We want as concerned parents, who see their children going to the path of fire, to warn them, so that they are not in danger of destroying themselves, because of their disobedience in remaining on this path that leads them to death.
See that many of those who did not wish to be converted through mercy are already going through justice, so that they can become aware of their actions and can decide to convert. It was not meant to be this way, but this was a decision made by that person who did not want to listen to the call to conversion, for the times it was made to him, and he thus hardened his heart to me, his Lord. But not because of this was the grace of conversion and salvation definitely taken away from her. No! This moment that this soul goes through now is for her to become aware that only God can help her, and that her life without him is not even a crumb. Thus the soul will become aware of its nothingness and recognize that God was, is and always will be the only Lord of its life and the only source of happiness and salvation.
I was thinking to myself if we needed to pray a lot for priests and what we should do for them. Jesus answered me,
Yes, it is necessary to pray a lot for priests. Here (in Manaus) there are many priestly souls who are blinded by sin. Pray for my priests and never judge them, for this is up to me alone.
Offer your life to the Father as a perfect oblation for the priests and for the world. Unite yourself to me always, so that together we can be an offering of love to the Father for the salvation of souls. Sharpen your love. Do not let the flame of love be extinguished in you, for this would be cause for great danger. Be in everything, an example of true love for men, because they no longer live love on earth. If they lived it long ago, the earth would already be a true Paradise.
You don't need to be looking for other manifestations, for it is I, the Lord, who am always here with you. Remain always in this work that I have entrusted to you and let everyone go his own way, so you will avoid the wrong things that the devil wishes to cast upon you, to attack you.
Jesus told me this because there were some people who criticized me and who wanted me to get involved with certain strange manifestations that did not give me peace and serenity. These people said they saw Our Lady, but they were lying or they were seeing the devil. Jesus warned me and told me to stay away from all this. The people who were involved with this were upset with me and called me haughty and proud, but I didn't care, because I should obey Jesus and not them. Jesus kept saying to comfort me:
I love you and I keep you in my Heart. You are mine and I am yours. Do you understand? You live in me and I in you, so we form one thing: all in love, for it is my love that makes me united to you and you in me. If men understood this mystery that is love, they would never seek to do their own will, but would live love with God and with their brothers, so that the kingdom on earth would be as it is in heaven: a kingdom of love.
I am Love, Living Love, Holy Love. My name is Love, and I desire that this love will inflame your hearts and the whole earth. Live love, for it is Me living in your lives sanctifying you. Grace and peace to you and all your brothers and sisters, my son. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!