Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, January 4, 1999
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Jesus appeared again around the same time as yesterday in my room. Today he was sad, all full of the terrible wounds of the scourging. His hands and feet had bleeding wounds. Jesus said to me with a suffering look:
Son, contemplate my wounds. My wounds were opened in my hands, in my feet and in my Heart for your salvation. I offered myself as a victim to the Father to redeem you from sin.
My Heart bleeds and anguishes. Oh, son, souls no longer care about God, they no longer care about me, I who gave my life for them. I have received so many outrages from men lately. How I suffer my son, how I suffer! My suffering is very great, like the suffering in the garden of Gethsemane.
Son, watch over me at this moment, asking together with me the infinite mercy of the Father for sinners. Sinners suffer in their souls because they have turned away from me, I who am the remedy and comfort for them.
I am Love and Mercy, and I desire to save all those who come to my Sacred Heart to ask forgiveness and help. I love everyone, everyone! My love is eternal, and this love I wish to expand over the whole world. I want to see love expand over the earth, because my kingdom is a kingdom of love.
You cannot live far from this love of mine, my child. Draw ever closer to my Sacred Heart. Do not be afraid to come closer to me. Know that my love for you is great. Always try to understand how much I love you. Try to know how to bear suffering and setbacks with patience.
The trials you often go through are to purify you more and more. You must know that I always want more and more to lead you to perfection. I want to see you more and more pure and holy, and that you may live holiness deeply.
Son, remember your dreams? You have seen how much my Mother and I want you to be perfect, and how much we love you and want you to be a model for your other brothers and sisters. Pray always for the young people. You should pray a lot for them. The young people have made me suffer a lot lately. Much of what I suffered in my Passion was for the salvation of the youth, especially the youth of this generation.
How much blood I had to shed for their sake and how much bitterness my Heart felt because of all their sins committed. Pray my son, pray a lot. I desire from you prayers for the salvation of youth.
Suddenly I had a vision of Jesus in the Garden of Olives. Jesus was prostrate on the stone and sweating blood. He was suffering so much and his suffering invaded my whole being. Jesus was saying,
O Gethsemane! Why do you torture me so much with so much bitterness!O Chalice is very bitter and my soul is in mortal sorrow. I feel lonely and despised by the Father, but I know that he is with me, only his divine justice falls on me in an unparalleled way.
Looking at me, penetrating my soul with his suffering gaze and his blood-soaked face, Jesus said,
No one will be able to understand this moment of anguish that I have gone through and that is renewed every day because of the sins of men. O son, the suffering is so much in the present Gethsemane, but I offer the merits of my Passion to the Eternal Father in reparation, but men continue to despise such great grace and draw ever more upon themselves the weight of divine justice, because of their contempts, insults and ingratitude towards the Divine Person of the Eternal Father, as also towards me.
I offer again to the Father the bitterness of this chalice...O Gethsemane! Don't torture me so much. See how you make me sweat drops of blood. Anguish breaks my Heart. Sin wounds my Heart and my soul lies in the despair of seeing myself abandoned by my Father.
Jesus again was suffering and drops of blood were falling from his beautiful face all full of pain and suffering. I could not hold back my tears as I watched such a scene. My heart was torn to see Jesus suffering so much, because of our sins and the sins of the world. I wanted to offer everything to be able to comfort Him. I wanted to go through the greatest suffering in this life if only this could wipe the tears from His beautiful face. He comforted me by saying:
Son, I bless you and grant you grace so that you can be faithful to my call. Remember to always follow the path of your Master and Lord. Know how to serve everyone and love them. Know how to suffer for the salvation of many souls. Suffering is often a way to sanctify yourself faster. Never reject it, but accept it with patience and you will be pleasing to My Heart. See how much I have had to suffer. It is through suffering that I will also perfect you. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Speaking about his image, where he is depicted crucified and scourged that is at home in the place of apparitions, Jesus said:
I bless my image and tell you that it will touch the most hardened hearts, because it greatly expresses the pains I suffered in my Passion.
Father, your will be done and may your name always be glorified.
Father, I thank you for all that you continue to accomplish in my life, for my salvation. I want to be yours and to love you with a love without measure. Take my heart, for it is yours.
Father, I love you, I love you, I love you. Amen.
Always honor my wounds. Through them you will receive many graces for sinners. Through them you will find my love and forgiveness, as well as salvation. Be in my peace!
Jesus himself, asked me to paint his image and to make the wounds in the places that he himself indicated. As I made the wounds on the image with a stylus, I thought about how much it would have hurt to have the lashes of the scourging tear his flesh apart. Suddenly, a slip made the stylus cut my finger with a very deep blow, making it bleed so badly. I felt an unbearable pain. At that very moment, Jesus said to me:
What you just felt and suffered was not even a tiny part of what I suffered in my cruel scourging. My body and flesh became a real living sore. With each stroke of the lash my body quivered in deep pain.