Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, January 21, 1998
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Beloved son, how much I wait for these moments of our meeting to come soon. I want with this to show you how much my Immaculate Heart, by its impulses of love, wishes to save mankind through my messages.
In fact, they are messages from heaven that many men on earth do not know how to value, like so many others that I have already transmitted in various parts of the world, through my numerous apparitions.
I want to lead mankind to God, saving them from the road to perdition. This is the reason I appear here in the Amazon. I come here because many of my children need my love and help as a Mother. How many are those who suffer in body and soul. My Mother's Heart could not remain indifferent to the pain of all these my children. Help your suffering brothers.
Be true children of mine, giving all my love and necessary help to all those who go through great difficulties.
(*) My children, pray, pray. Continue with your prayers. Know that the victory will be ours, because our God and Lord never abandons his people. Always have confidence in God. God wants to help you in everything. Be, therefore, the Lord's.
(*) Here Our Lady was addressing all her children.