Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, January 15, 1998
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Once again the Virgin came to convey to me her message that must be spread to the world:
Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Peace be with you, my beloved son. I wish this evening to continue to tell you of my concern about the fate of mankind. My son, I want all men to be saved. That is why I come from heaven. I have come here in the Amazon because I wish to lead all my children to Jesus. I have not forgotten anyone.
Everyone is important to me, but not for all my children do Jesus and I have importance in their lives. Many of my children have abandoned us, because sin always fascinates and seduces them, but many. Many waste an ocean of heaven's graces for just a few minutes of pleasure in this world. How sad... And only to condemn themselves forever in the fire of hell, because for many of these my children there is no return, no turning back, because they die in mortal sin.
Son, pray, pray a lot for sinners. If you could understand how valuable souls are to God and to me you would strive to pray even more. I want you to understand how important prayer is today for the salvation of so many of my children. Oh, the youth, the youth!...How I suffer for the youth!...The youth are getting worse and worse. There is no more purity in many young people today, and there are few who know how to preserve the grace of purity, but these are still in danger of losing it. It is necessary that they pray to the Holy Spirit to grant them the gift of fortitude.
(*) My children, there is still a chance for us to change this terrible situation. Let us fight in God's name the evils that are spreading in the world. Be my echo, my voice, proclaiming in every corner my invitation to love, my invitation to conversion. Spread among all your brothers my supreme appeal: do not commit more serious sins. Repent of your crimes. Return to God with a sincerely repentant heart.
If you let yourself be guided by me you will be able to help me save a countless number of souls, and especially a countless number of young people for my Son Jesus. Remember the revelation that you had?...All this is so that you understand how important it is to act in these last times against Satan. If everyone prays Satan will soon be destroyed with all his kingdom of darkness, but what is lacking today are hearts that really live united in prayer deeply with God and with Me.
My son, in everything you are going to do always call on me and I will soon come to your aid and lead you in everything. I want to guide you always. I want to be your educator. I want to form you each day into a perfect image of me, in how to act, in how to speak, in how to love; in short, in everything I want to always guide you with my Mother's love. Don't be saddened by your many falls and never listen to the devil's conversations and temptations. Let everything and always my Immaculate Heart guide you. Pay attention only to my voice.
I am the Queen of Peace and I pour out at this moment my blessing and my peace on all my children all over the world and on all the requests that my children have placed at my feet and at the feet of my Son Jesus. I love you all with all my Mother's Heart. Tell everyone about my love. Men understand you so little!
May you not stay a single day that you have not spoken of my love and the love of Jesus to your brothers and sisters. Speak, speak of this love to all men. Tell everyone: God is love, God is peace, God is life and Eternal Life, God is the One who can do all things, for He is the
Omnipotent, the Creator of all things, the Sovereign Lord, but God my children is also the Father of each one of you. Love the Father in Heaven, my child.
Your Beloved Father so desires that you seek Him in everything, even in the smallest difficulty. He is always at each one's side. Seek Him always and you will only receive blessings upon blessings. For now, this message remains, my child. Now rest in my Heart and in the Heart of your Heavenly Father, and don't forget: love, love, love.
(*) Here the Virgin now addressed everyone who was present at her apparition.