Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, August 23, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

"Peace be with you!
Dear children, forgive, forgive, forgive so that you can receive the forgiveness of my Divine Son Jesus Christ. If you do not live love and forgiveness, you cannot be worthy of Me or of my son Jesus.
Only those who truly love will dwell in the glory of paradise, because in heaven only love lives. So dear children, this week may you live love in your homes and with all those you meet on - a-day.
I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen See you soon!"
On this same evening, Our Lady transmitted one more message:
"I want to gather all young people in My love and in the love of My Son Jesus. I wish that all young people will listen to my appeals to them, because only in this way will they suffer less and achieve true happiness in this world and then forever in heaven at my side and at Jesus' side.
You will never find happiness in the vices, in the pleasures of the world, but only in my son Jesus. Only in Him will you be truly holy and pure people.
Pray for all those who despise the truths taught by God and do not stop for a single minute to meditate on the passion of my son Jesus, for all that He had to endure to save them from eternal death.
Pray, pray, pray and I will pray with all of you. Today, my children live more like animals, with no reason to think about the consequences of sin, than as true Christians. And this hurts my mother's heart very much, because for all these children of mine, the kingdom of heaven seems like a legend and not a reality in their present life, especially now, in these days of great conflicts, when many are even in danger of being lost forever.
Only through prayer can we change this situation, my children. Help Me, and I promise to help you in everything God allows me to do.
I bless you again: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. See you soon!" I asked the Holy Virgin: do you have anything else to say, dear Mother?
"No My child, for now this is the message I have to tell you today. Now I beg you: please, sin no more. Give up sin and return to God while there is still time. Thank you for your response to my appeals!"