Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, July 13, 1997
Message from Our Lord to Maria do Carmo

My peace to all mankind!
I, Jesus Christ, your friend, your all in life, demand respect before me, my Mother and my Adoptive Father, the Most Chaste St. Joseph and the Angels and Saints in Heaven. When you talk to us, be well dressed and without mortal sin. The clothing, you all already know how you should be:
Men in long pants and a sleeved blouse and women in sleeved dresses or skirts with a sleeved blouse. For both men and women, sleeves should be about an inch past the shoulders. Dress or skirts below the knees. The longer the better!
This guideline is to be followed inside a Church, in processions, on walks, and when in prayer. When you talk to me or when you ask for something in front of me, always be well dressed and without mortal sin. Make a habit of asking forgiveness before you do anything in front of me. If you are poorly dressed and in mortal sin I will not hear anything. That is why many times you don't get what you ask for. Obey, obey, obey. Obedience is for everyone. Thank you for attending to me. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
My peace, my embrace, my affection, my kiss and my Heart to my obedient children. And to the disobedient ones: obey!
Jesus Christ