Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, July 10, 1997
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

"My peace be with you!
I am true love. I come from heaven accompanied by My Blessed Mother and My Virginal Father St. Joseph, to bless you all.
My little ones, I wish to give you all My love. To those of you who are here, I tell you, you are My special guests, to listen to this My Holy Message. You are all special to Me, but as I have told you: many are called, but few are chosen. You are all being called by Me, through My Holy Mother, to conversion. It is necessary that you do not harden your hearts, so that I will always have you with me, united to my Sacred Heart.
My little ones, I have endured all these years, the arrogance and unbelief of many of my children. My heart is torn, and the heart of your Blessed Mother and of St. Joseph is totally embittered by so many outrages. Have you not yet realized, my little children, that Satan wishes to destroy your souls? Then why won't you listen to my warnings of conversion? Why haven't you decided to abandon your life of sin?
Little children, wake up, wake up. As I have already told you: woe to those who have mocked and outraged my Holy Mother, her apparitions and her holy messages. And I tell you that on that day when they come to me, they will not find me as a merciful God, but as a God of Justice, for my justice is also great. If you want my mercy and my love, do not lose the opportunity, my little children. I will forgive you easily if you ask forgiveness sincerely and if you repent of your actions, but hurry; come to me, for the time of Mercy is running out. I tell you that if it were not for my holy Mother and her appearances in the world, asking for my mercy and love, my divine justice would have fallen upon you long ago, but by my Mother's pleas once again mercy has overcome justice.
I bless you all with a special blessing. May this blessing give you peace for your soul as well as for all your family. May this blessing give you relief for your soul and your body. I bless you, together with my most holy mother and St. Joseph. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon."'