Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, February 16, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
My dear children, I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary. All my little ones who are listening to my heavenly calls and praying my Rosary, meditating on its fifteen sacred mysteries, will not be forsaken by me at the last moment of their lives. Pray, pray, pray. Pray the Holy Rosary for world peace. I wish, my children, to grant you many graces. I give you my maternal blessing, the blessing of a very loving mother. Don't forget to always ask for Saint Joseph's protection. Pray to him, asking for his blessing, so that he protects you against all evils.
Dear children, peace, peace, peace! Pray for world peace. I am happy for your presence here tonight, and I tell you: this Lent, whenever possible, make the Stations of the Cross, meditating on the Passion of my Divine Son Jesus Christ, so that He may grant you, through the merits of his holy Passion and his holy Cross, the grace of conversion and the opening of your hearts.
I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!