Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, February 1, 1997
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Beloved son, write my holy message:
My beloved children, I, the Savior of the world, desire to warn you about the great evils that reign over the whole world and within my holy Church.
O beloved children, never allow my tabernacles to be profaned and vilified, because of the great desecrations caused in my Church by many of my children, who do not know how to value and respect my holy temple in your midst. It is the immodesty of many of my daughters, with their most extravagant costumes, that come to my sanctuary to wound my Sacred Heart and torment me even more, increasing the pains of my holy wounds. O beloved children, watch over the honor and glory of your God. Do not remain silent before this great desecration inside my Shrine. Alert my daughters because of this great dishonor to their God. I am the thrice Holy One and I abhor any stain of sin. I desire to see everyone shining in holiness. I desire to enrich you with my Divine Grace, beloved children. You are my most worthy representatives. You are my anointed ones. You are loved in a special way by me and by my Heavenly Mother. Happy is the priest who has My Mother as his intercessor and first of all as his mother. To this priest I will not fail to attend to his prayers nor to his greatest difficulties. I tell you this, because many of My beloved sons, My most worthy representatives in the world, have not lately shown the affection and love due to My Most Holy Mother. Not all, but to my pain, many have turned away from my Heart and despised my holy Love and the most pure Love of my Heavenly Mother. O children, do not embitter the Heart of your God. Your God walks with a broken Heart. Never be disobedient to my beloved Pope. He is my beloved. The one I have chosen to shepherd you. Do you think, by any chance, that you can find the right direction, if you are not led by a shepherd who guides his flock? Listen to me: my beloved Pope is suffering a lot. What are you doing, my beloved children? Why are you being for my Pope a new Judas, preparing his martyrdom and his Calvary? See that my holy eyes see everything and see everything. I will not allow your rebellion to reach such an extreme point. I am your God, and I desire your salvation. I desire to welcome you all into my arms. Come to me, beloved children. Come into the arms of the One who saved you from sin. At this moment, I send down my blessing upon you, a blessing of Peace and Love. At this moment I breathe upon each of you my spirit of comfort, my spirit of consolation, my spirit of renewal. I wish to see you renewed by my Holy Spirit. Dear priests, wake up, wake up. Let the Holy Spirit revive you and give you again the courage that my first Apostles had on the day of Pentecost. I want to see you men of prayer, of faith, and of courage. Bring my Peace to all men and remember: "Behold, I am with you always, to the end of time. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!