Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, December 8, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber - Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Peace be with you!
My dear children, I am the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of God and your Mother. Pray, pray, pray my rosary every day for the conversion of your brothers. I love them with all my heart. Thank the Lord for allowing me to stay a little longer to transmit his holy messages to you. Yes, my children, I tell you his holy messages because everything I speak to you comes from the will of my Son Jesus. I wish to tell you that the times are grave.
Families are being destroyed for lack of common prayer, of union with parents and children. I wish to exhort you to take refuge in my Immaculate Heart so that you may be protected in this way against all the evils and dangers that the enemy throws at you at every moment.
I am the Pure Virgin. Love my children Jesus. He is everything for you. I tell you my dear children that all my life belongs to my Lord because I have said a yes without reservation, without question. You must say a confident yes to the Lord so that he can transform your hearts into true lights for this world that is in darkness. Bring the peace of Jesus to all mankind. You are my apostles: beloved apostles of the Heavenly Mother.
Children, why don't you want to listen to me yet? I love you children, I love you with all my heart. Prepare yourselves children, prepare yourselves: by confessing, fasting and taking communion, so that you may be free from sin, the sin that leads to death. My children, sin offends my Lord a lot. Invite your brothers and sisters to be reconciled with God this coming Christmas. His mother has designs of mercy on all of you.
O Itapiranga, wake up! You have not yet known how to understand the great grace that I have granted you with my maternal presence in your midst. Convert yourself. Convert yourself. Convert yourself... I desire, my children, to guide you along the road to sanctity. Let your mother guide you and lead you to Jesus. He loves them. He is so loving.
Children, Jesus pours over you and your families His love, His peace, and gives you His blessing. I am the Queen of Peace and I wish to bless you all. Thank you for your response to my appeals. *Itapiranga is united to my Immaculate Heart as it is united with all the other places where I have appeared and continue to appear today. Itapiranga is another source of graces that I grant to the whole world.
Here in Itapiranga I appeared as the Queen of Peace to warn them that the world needs a lot of peace lately. I have presented myself as the Queen of the Rosary and the Queen of Peace, because I want to show them that Itapiranga is united with my revelations given in Fatima and also with my latest revelations granted by me in Medjugorje, where I am appearing for a long time. I want to show you that my message given here is the same as the one given there. Thank you for your love. Thank the Lord who has chosen you in such a beautiful way for all of you to be the heralds of his kingdom of peace. To all gathered here I say: I love you, I love you, I love you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
(*) Every place where Our Lady appeared is for her and for God one place. A union occurs between them all, just as every altar in every Church where the Eucharist is celebrated becomes one in the eyes of the Father, united in its holy essence. In the places where Our Lady appears God grants us special graces. Many people do not understand this. Many told me that they would only go to Itapiranga when the Church approved these apparitions. That they would never set foot there until this happened. Poor souls! How many graces they are losing until then. I know that these apparitions will be approved one day, because Our Lady never lies, and everything she does has God's signature, and if God is the Creator of all things, he will enlighten his Holy Church to do the same.