Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, September 29, 1996
Message from Saint Gabriel the Archangel to Edson Glauber - Feast of St. Michael

Peace be with you!
My dear children, I as your Mother come on this beautiful night to bestow upon you My love and the love of My Divine Son Jesus Christ. Dear children, I love you with an eternal love. I am your loving Mother. I grant you my heavenly graces, so that each one of you can understand the importance and value of my holy messages.
Dear children, peace, peace, peace. Pray the holy Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to war. The sins of the world greatly offend My Lord and beloved Son Jesus Christ. Make a prayer barrier to repair the terrible sins being committed throughout the world today.
Dear young people, be faithful to My Son Jesus. Jesus loves you so much and does not wish to see you thrown into the mire of sin. Pray asking the Holy Spirit to strengthen you with His grace so that you can resist the devil's temptations. I am your Mother, My dear children, and I desire to keep you in My protective mantle.
Children, pray for My Church, for my priests, for my little religious daughters. I want them in My Immaculate Heart. For these children, My Mother's Heart is totally open to welcome them always.
My beloved ones, My secret messages and revelations, which are yet to be revealed to you, must have a sign of respect. My messages are not a joke. What I say must be taken seriously. Men no longer care about God, and if they continue on this path, they may get lost on the path of darkness.
My Immaculate Heart must be redeemed. I am looking for souls to console My maternal Heart, so offended and outraged.
My children, do not despise such holy graces. Come to My Immaculate Heart and you will find My Son Jesus Christ. I give you My blessing, a Mother's blessing, so that you can take My love to your brothers. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
Our Lady, addressing Me, communicated the following to Me:
Itapiranga will still be a holy city, a beacon of light illuminating all My little ones who are far from the Lord, My God and their God. Pray for My intentions. Do not ask Me how this will be and when it will occur, but pray, pray, pray!
Tomorrow the Holy Angels and Archangels will come together with Me and My Divine Son Jesus to mark them with the sign of the children of God. Pray tomorrow.