Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, September 2, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace.
My beloved children, pray every day for the conversion of poor sinners. I am their Mother. I wish to tell you that my Immaculate Heart is yours and all my most sinful children, because I love everyone without distinction.
My little ones, my beloved angels, convert, convert without delay. My Mother's love is for all of you. I want you here within my Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, my message is a profound message of prayer and conversion. Be sincere in your actions and in your love for your God, because He loves you unconditionally and is willing to help you in everything, but you easily forget Jesus in your trials and you slip from His hands by walking the path of sin.
My little children, I wish for conversion, for peace among all men and among all families as soon as possible. It is not possible to hold the arm of My Divine Son any longer. It is already too heavy. My Son is already ready to put an end to the sin and ingratitude of sinful men, who only offend Him with sins.
My children, the great secrets revealed by me are already about to happen, in many parts of the world. It is necessary that you lead a more holy life every day. Follow the road of holiness offered by the Lord for your true happiness and sanctification.
I am the Mother of Jesus. I wish to exhort you to live the Holy Sacraments of the Church of My Son Jesus Christ. If you do not respect and live the Holy Sacraments you will hardly find the salvation offered by Him. Go to confession. Go to Holy Mass. Pray and prepare yourselves in prayer for the encounter with the Lord, My God and your God, the Savior of the whole world. I leave you My Immaculate Heart for you to love My Son Jesus Christ. As I love Him. Pray, pray, pray.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.