Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, June 3, 1996
Message from God The Father to Maria do Carmo

To Maria do Carmo:
Faith and trust. Have great faith. Faith is a special Gift that I have given to each one of you. Therefore, pray to the Holy Spirit to increase your faith. I come to bless you with all my Heart: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To Edson:
Take my blessing to your families. I am the Lord, who loves them so much.
I am your God and Creator, who comes to shower his blessings on all of you.
Dear children, take courage. Never be discouraged on your journey. I have you as my little children. I am your Beloved Father. Receive my merciful love, my everlasting love, which is so great. This sacred love is for all of you.
I am Peace, and I wish that my peace be with you all. Pray, pray, and convert. I love you so much. Do not close your hearts, but open them to my voice and listen to all that I say to you. I have many graces for all of you. Pray, pray. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
This is one of the rare messages that the Eternal Father has deigned to convey to my mother. When he speaks to us we feel so small, like nothing before his Divine Majesty and Greatness. Who can truly understand the immense love that God has for all his children. Only those, as Jesus tells us in the gospel, whom the Father wants to manifest and reveal.