Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, May 27, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The Mother of God appeared and said to us:
Peace be with you! Dear children, pray, pray, pray. Convert yourselves. You are not converted yet because you do not know how to listen to my calls. Change your lives. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
This message is very important: we are not yet converted because we do not know how to listen to the calls of the Virgin. What can we do to listen to them and live them worthily? By being true to God and to ourselves, trying to renounce definitively everything that does not go well with our life and that distances us from Him.
Often we do not know how to renounce the things of the world for the love of God. This is a long and hard stage, a path of conversion that will accompany us for a lifetime. As the Virgin told us: a path of trials and sufferings, full of stones and thorns. Not the smooth, beautiful and flowery way. But he who wins will have the promise of the future life in the kingdom of heaven.
What is the world compared to eternity? A breath of wind that passes swiftly, but eternity is something that will last forever and there will be endless joy there:
Behold the tent of God with men. He will dwell with them; they will be his people, and he, God-with-them, will be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, for there will be no more death, no more crying, and no more pain. Yes! The old things are gone! Then He who sits on the throne declared, Behold, I make all things new.( Revelation 21:3 to 5)
I remember that at the beginning of the apparitions the Virgin asked us to persevere and trust in her maternal protection. I can never forget her maternal guidance and help. I can say with certainty, if God and the Virgin are with us, who will be against us? The first time was in the year 1995. The Virgin had asked:
Go to Father Omar and report to him what is happening to you, in your family. Tell him about my request for the chapel, which I wish to be built on the site I have indicated to you. Listen carefully to what he will tell you. Do not build the chapel before you have talked to him and know what he thinks about what you have been asked to do. Talk to him about the behavior and respect people should have when they meet in God's house, and about how women should dress when they go to Church and Mass. Don't worry, I will be with you at that moment enlightening you.
We went to talk with Father Omar: me, my mother and my father. He listened to us attentively and looked at us with a very serious air. Sometimes he put his hand to his face, as if to think, but always looking at us listening to what we were saying to him. I remember that my father asked him,
What do you think about this request of the Virgin. Can we build the chapel that we have been asked to build there at the place mentioned?
Father Omar replied that it would be no problem at all, because it was private property. That one could build whatever one wished there. My father told Father Omar that we were there making ourselves available for whatever the Church needed. That we wanted to help, and if he wanted our help he could talk to us. The problem that arose and that hurt us so much was the reaction of Father Omar who told us one thing in front of us, but in church, during mass, in front of the people, spoke against our family. This made us suffer so much. Many times my mother returned home crying a lot and very humiliated, but the Virgin, at the beginning of the apparitions, had already warned us that we would have to suffer a lot and go through many trials if we wanted to console the Heart of her Divine Son and her Immaculate Heart. May all these sufferings at least have taken away many thorns that wounded her Most Holy Hearts.