Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 6, 1996
Message from God The Father to Edson Glauber

My son, you have nothing to fear. Have confidence and do not be discouraged. You and my daughter must always pray together and united. You must ask, insist in your prayers, making supplications to Me, your Lord, and not doubt. You must by the merits of my Divine Son ask for every need from me, your Father. Only in this way, I will be able to perform among you great wonders for the greater magnifying of the name of my Son and for my glory, the glory of your God.
On 07.04. 96 - to Maria do Carmo
Today is my mother's birthday. She is in Itapiranga. On this day friar Miguel Angelo died. Our Lady appeared to my mother and gave her a message:
Edson is praying for Friar Miguel Angelo, but my son Miguel Angelo no longer needs prayer, but he is receiving the prayers of those praying for his soul and giving them to God for all the needy souls in purgatory.
He did not go through purgatory, but went straight to heaven. Today he lives together with the Angels and Saints of the Lord, because he is already a saint. Here he was very tired, but in heaven he is not tired, but is very active, interceding before God for all the people who are praying for his soul and he is giving to God for the neediest souls in purgatory. He is already a saint. He died, but death is a way of saying: he passed from this life to eternal life and smiling with me. He prayed a lot, opened and had many cenacles opened in my honor. I am Our Lady of the Rosary and I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!