Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, February 1, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Again on this day, my mother heard the voice of the Virgin and I asked her the questions:
Has the Lady ever appeared in any city here in Amazonas? If so, could you answer and which ones?
There are nine cities where I have appeared here in Amazonas: nine cities. But now I am with you. *What does it matter about the others, in my other apparitions where I was not well received. They did not want to attend me, nor obey me. They do not matter which ones. Now, the city of Itapiranga is our city. It is the only one that will still accept me as I want. It will take a long time my children, but it will be realized. Pray for it to happen! In this city too the hearts are hard as stone, but I will soften them. I count on your prayers for everything to happen as I want it to, as my Son Jesus wants it to. Nothing is impossible, my son. We will still talk a lot, my son! Don't worry about my work. Worry about yourselves. Always be ready to attend to me when I call you.
(*) Here, Our Lady did not want to despise the other places where she appeared, but rather wanted to tell us not to worry about knowing too much, avoiding being curious and trying to live the messages she was now transmitting to us, because this was our mission.