Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, January 14, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

On this day, Our Lady was speaking to my mother. I could not hear and see anything, only my mother. I asked her some questions and she through my seeing and hearing answered them:
Our Lady, until when will the Lady keep giving messages and
appearing to us? We are going through many trials,
Live my messages children, because from now on I will talk to you more. Pray together every day. Thank you for your prayers today.
Will the Lady speak to us at an appointed time or will it be at any time of the day? What will it be like?
The time is at six o'clock.
Six o'clock in the morning or in the afternoon?
Six o'clock in the afternoon.
Should we pray just the two of us together or can we call other people to pray with us?
Pray together, without or with other people.
Where will we pray: in Church or at home? (I thought at this point: because if
go to Church the priest might forbid us to pray there.)
It can be in Church or at home, or in other people's homes. The location doesn't matter. The important thing is to pray always and united. The important thing is also to always be together to pray. Try to pray together. Pray, pray, pray. This is my message for now.
Do you have anything else to tell us? What can the Lady tell us about Amazonas?
The State of Amazonas is your State. It is the State chosen by me and by my Son Jesus...Every day I am with you pouring out many graces. This year is a year that I will pour out many graces, so pray a lot to receive more graces. But it is also a year of many sufferings, so I repeat: pray, pray a lot and together, but do not worry. Give yourselves to me, and I will give you to my Son Jesus. *Don't be sad. Rejoice. See you soon. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
(*) Here she encouraged us to bear the trials with resignation and faith, because we were to suffer very soon and undergo a great trial.