Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, December 25, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

In the afternoon, Our Lady appeared accompanied by her Son Jesus and St. Joseph. She was the one who spoke first:
Peace be with you!
Dear children, on this beautiful night, I come to bring you a message of love, peace and hope. Jesus is your Peace and he desires to dwell in your little hearts.
Little children, pray, pray, pray. On this night, Heaven is celebrating. On this night, the Angels of Heaven sing glories to God. Give glory to God little ones. Praise Him, exalt Him, and bless His Holy Name.
Be humble and small. The Lord works many wonders. God reveals his wonders only to the humble. At that time, he revealed himself first to humble shepherds, and today he continues to reveal himself only to the simple and pure of heart. Love Jesus, little children, and thank him for everything. His Heavenly Mother loves you and brings her Child Jesus to bless you. Jesus pours out many graces on you and your families tonight. He tells you:
Suddenly the Child Jesus, who was in the arms of Our Lady began to speak and to give me this message:
I give you my Peace. Open your hearts so that I can dwell within them. I love you and bless you and your families. Pray, pray, pray and make reparation for those who do not love me. I give you my blessing and my Love.
Our Lady, looking at me again said:
Pray, pray, pray my little ones. Make reparation to God for the sins of the whole world. Convert yourselves and pray for the conversion of your brothers. Pray for them. I, together with my Child Jesus and Saint Joseph bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
Later, around 9pm, she gave me another message intended for all humanity:
Peace be with you!
My dear children, I am your Heavenly Mother and the Queen of Peace. Jesus sends me here to invite you to conversion. Pray, pray, pray. I, your Mother, bring my Child Jesus, that He may bless you all. Pray more. Always pray the holy rosary every day.
Be humble and open-hearted to my Son Jesus. Jesus is your Peace. Pray to Jesus for peace in the whole world. Pray always and much more.
Thank you for your prayers. My Child Jesus pours out, on this special night, many graces on each of you. Thank you for the love that you have for me and for my Son.
May Jesus be everything to you. May he be the most important first person in your lives. He is your Creator. Thank him for all that he does for each of you. Pray to the Divine Holy Spirit. Your Mother wishes to exhort you once again to conversion. Convert yourselves. Jesus desires your salvation. Thank you for your prayers. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!