Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, December 15, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Maria do Carmo

Our Lady appeared holding a chalice and a host and said,
This is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
My mother heard voices of Angels singing with Our Lady a hymn to Jesus:
We must think only of God, of God yes (bis) Amen, Amen!
My mother asked Our Lady:
How does the Lady wish me to remodel the Church in her honor here in Itapiranga?
My mother asked this of the Virgin, because Father Omar and the people intend to enlarge and reform it. Our Lady deigned to show several models of how she wanted the Church, and finally the Church with the tower fallen to the side appeared. My mother understood that the tower was fallen to the side because the people did not participate and pray in the Church and did not go to the celebrations of the Holy Mass, sinning through lack of love for God and His Church.
In the afternoon, Jesus and Our Lady appeared to me and gave me this message. Jesus was the one who spoke first:
My son, pray, pray, pray. Pray a lot More prayers are needed to placate the Divine Justice of the Father. Enormous reparations and adorations must be made to thus assuage His Divine Justice. Pray, pray, pray for sinners. Ask for the Father's mercy for all of them. Pray more and make sacrifices and penances. I give you my Peace and my blessings.
Our Lady then said:
My children, the Heart of my Divine Son is sacred and infinite in mercy. Help my Son Jesus with your prayers and sacrifices so that he can ward off the Divine Justice of the Heavenly Father. You must come closer to my Divine Son, in the Eucharist.
Make adorations to my Son Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The tower of the Church was fallen over, because my children do not come closer to my Son Jesus present in the Eucharist, to adore Him in the Church where He is placed in the Tabernacle.
You are not living my messages of adorations that I have asked you to live. Live them and put them into practice. Jesus is the Tower that builds and holds the Church and without Him the Church falls and destroys itself because of its lack of love for Him in the Eucharist.
My children worry about reforming and rebuilding the Temple Church, with new buildings and paintings, but they have not yet bothered to renew their own souls for Jesus with prayers and penance. What is the use of having the Church reformed and beautiful, if their souls are destroyed and defiled by sin? My children, the Church is all of you.
My children are deaf, because they do not want to listen to my heavenly appeals. How many graces I have poured out on them, and how many have been despised. Jesus has never met a people with such hardened hearts as this one. He intends to let the people go their own ways, just to see how far the people will go without him. This he intends to do, in order thereby also to further purify the people because of their sins and to show them that without is nothing, for as I have already told you, he wishes to sanctify this city by making it a Holy City.
The people if they do not listen to God's Warnings should soon go through great trials, for satan has thrown his webs of intrigues, seductions and sins over them, but Jesus, with his Merciful Love has prevented many sorrows and snares of his, because of the prayers of those who pray and intercede together with his Heavenly Mother.
Many sad things have not happened here in this city, because of my intercession with my Son, but soon, many must go through great trials, because of their deafness in not wanting to hear me.
Our Lady said:
Please cover us with Your Mantle and protect us so that no harm comes to all of us and to the people of this city!
I want to and I want to very much, but many of my children do not recognize me as their Mother nor do they want to recognize my heavenly messages that I have transmitted to them.
Intercede and ask Your Son Jesus for us and help us with Your intercession!
What my Son Jesus desires to do is for your purification and the good of your souls. He wishes to renew you, through the trials, for a greater opening of many hearts. Pray that you can endure the trials.
He gives the necessary help and strength to overcome them. I am here at your side to help you. Let my son Flavio and my daughter Lourdes gather the children in the church to pray the rosary and to adore my Son Jesus, asking together with him, the Mercy of the Father, for all sinners. Jesus listens to the prayers of children. Let them help Jesus with their prayers. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!