Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, November 12, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

A from Jesus to all of you!
My dear children, how happy my Immaculate Heart is to see you all here praying. Pray, pray more. Help me with your prayers to save countless souls who are on the road to perdition. Jesus is very happy to see you praying.
His wounded Heart is truly consoled by your love for him. You don't know how happy Jesus is with your prayers.
Countless souls are receiving a number of graces, which will help them for their conversion. Pray, therefore, and be faithful to me and to my Son Jesus. Our Sacred Hearts are your safe haven for the days of trials that are to come.
I have come into the world to warn you of the dangers you face. Pray little ones, pray, pray. Attend Holy Mass frequently. Go to the Father's House to receive graces and blessings. Pray for your brothers and sisters who are not yet converted. Jesus wishes to accomplish great things in His beloved Brazil, and especially here in the Amazon.
Amazonas lives in my Immaculate Heart. My Immaculate Heart needs to be repaired, because of the many offenses committed against it. You repair my Immaculate Heart when you put into practice all that I have asked of you, when you love my Son Jesus and give your hearts to him.
Live, my children, totally turned to Jesus. Jesus is watching over each one of you.
Today, he blesses you by showering copious graces on all of you. Thank Jesus for all that he is accomplishing in your midst. Pray to him for the peace of the whole world. Jesus is your peace, and his peace will come to the world only if everyone recognizes Jesus as the true King of all hearts.
Let Jesus reign in your families and in your hearts. I, the Mother of Divine Grace, tell you that today my graces are poured out upon many of you, so that my children will understand my calls to conversion and prayer. I, the Mother of God and the Virgin of the Rosary bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!